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Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by Jim, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor


    this is a Czechoslovakian Vlcak (Wolfdog) I need to move and if all goes well ill have enough room for a big dog again, Im going to go looking for one of these. Years ago the Czech army wanted a German Sheppard that was a bit bigger, stronger, with more endurance and bred 2 parts wolf back into 7 parts GSD to establish a new dog that behaves like a GSD but looks Oh so pretty. I love my GSD's and have wanted one of these (Hard to find in north America though)
  2. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Her toothless majesty, hard at work. She has to have her food ground up into a puree these days. Unless it's something that I'm trying to eat. Then she manages just fine, thank you very much.

  3. Andre

    Andre Founding Member

    The wild Louisiana Smegbear in his natural environment. And the semi feral cat.
  4. Maxman

    Maxman Founding Member

    I've got a cat. A cranky, fat, cat.
    She's just like me!
  5. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    No longer have these pets, but they were my favorite over the years. Besides my potbelly pig I had when I was a kid kid.
    The dogs name was Hammer. He lived with us for 15 years before we finally had to put him down because his hips failed. Arthritis I believe. He struggled to walk towards the end and it was time. Best dog the family has ever had. His father was part of the rescue team that was sent to the Oklahoma city bombing.
    The cat was named Powder. He was a real jerk. He would attack us like we were his prey, especially in the middle of the night. It was always funny unless it was you.

  6. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  7. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    Higgins was a beast! Great looking pup too!
  8. Great thread! All beautiful animals.

    Our first vizsla was Maizie.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    We added Charlie.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You can see charlie is a highly trained guard dog......look how he stays off the furniture and maintains a high state of alertness.......

  9. gavination

    gavination Founding Member

    This reminds me how much I want a vizsla! Cute pups. :)
  10. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    I thought of getting a vizla before my last Brittany. I've just had Brits all my life. A shorter coat would be nice for around the house. I'm vacuuming once a week now that he weather is changing!

    Good looking dogs. I am not ashamed to admit I have a soft spot for all dogs but an even bigger one for a good pure-bred hunting dog.
  11. They are fantastic dogs. Great with our kids, very active, very little shedding etc. Two major things I tell anyone thinking about a vizsla:

    1. They need to work. Not necessarily hunt, but if you don't give them a lot of exercise and activity, they bounce off the walls.
    2. Be prepared to be very close to your dog...I mean actual proximity. They will follow you around everywhere, and want to do everything you do.
  12. gavination

    gavination Founding Member

    Now if only they'd do well in snow! My friend had a vizsla that wasn't too fond of it haha.
  13. Gav -

    In our experience they love the snow. Charlie comes skiing with us every weekend in Vermont, and always comes with us when we backcountry ski or snowshoe. Like a lot of hunting dogs, he'll range or track in the woods. You might not see him always, but he'll always know where you are. Temp wise he's good down to about 15F unprotected. If it's very windy or below zero, he wears a fleece. Their fur is very short on their paws, so they don't have the issue that some dogs get in the the winter of ice forming and clumping between their pads. Feel free to PM if you'd like to discuss in more depth.
  14. Glad to see so many dog lovers here, and beautiful dogs they are. My spoiled runt.

  15. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    I own an American Brittany. I believe they have similar temperaments about needing to run and being around their owners. I wouldn't trade those traits for anything! :)
  16. gavination

    gavination Founding Member

    Awesome info. Thanks! I'm always torn. My friend's greater swiss loves the snow so much she runs with her head down and mouth open to plow the snow with her tongue. It's awesome! But then again, long hair and lots of shedding. Vizsla is definitely high on my list though!
  17. William Catcheside

    William Catcheside Founding Member

    Love these threads, here is my hound.....resident comedian, and reluctant workshop companion, (Floor is far too cold and uncomfortable) Mynci man the Whippet!
  18. Beautiful hound! Love the coloring.
  19. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    And they can sure break your heart. Took our beast for a checkup yesterday, and found out she's got cancer and not long to live. Sad times at Casa Lucretia.
  20. The dog in my avatar is Sam, a great dane dalmatian mix. He went to work with me every day for just a few weeks shy of his 14th birthday. More customers knew his name than mine.

    Shortly after Sam died friends who bread and train Czechoslovakian bloodline GSDs gave me an absolutely stunning, solid black, long coat, female pup. The friends sell mostly to police departments, and people with similar needs. Most won’t buy a long coat dog as their coat is high maintenance and they are not as well insulated as the flat coats.

    Tori (Viktoria Der Zauberlehrling) is without question the smartest dog I have ever owned. Her grandfather had worked boarder patrol in the Czech Republic. Father worked as a drug sniffer at an airport. Lots of Schutzhund 3 ancestors. But, I couldn’t keep her. She was absolutely terrible as a “go to work with me dog.” She didn’t like children, old ladies wearing too much cologne, men with beards or anyone wearing a hat. I actually took her to a board certified animal behaviorist at Ohio State University’s Veterinary school for six months. Their conclusion: Tori was not cut out for a retail environment and would eventually bite a customer. Giving her back to my friends was really tough. I adored her, but just couldn’t bring myself to leave a dog home alone all day every day.

    I now have a big happy camper black lab and great dane mix that I adopted at the local animal shelter. I couldn’t resist. Nobody would adopt the big black 8 month old and he was scheduled to be put down. Buzzer adores customers and going to the shop with me every day.


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