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Overhyped/ underrated knives

Discussion in 'The Kitchen Knife' started by Rami, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. chefcomesback

    chefcomesback Founding Member

    It is really nice , perfect fit and finish but it is too small for my hands
  2. stevenStefano

    stevenStefano Founding Member

    I love the Hattori FH. The steel is great, it is so much better than any other VG10 knife it isn't even comparable, I used mine recently for the first time in a while and I was super impressed. Mine held an edge longer than many fancier knives with supposedly "better" steel. The profile of the blade and the handle are both great. Guess this illustrates how confusing knives can be for new people.........
  3. EdipisReks

    EdipisReks The Picasso of Creepiness Founding Member

    Do you live in the twilight zone, by chance?
  4. Lefty

    Lefty Founding Member

    Hattori FH is a great knife. My only real complaint is how it feels where the bolster and choil meet up. It doesn't feel natural in the hand, as a result (or my hand, anyways). Other than that, it's a great piece. I'm one of those guys who loves VG10's edge taking. Keep your stone wet, and snap off the burrs with smith a slightly higher angle on your stropping, and the stuff is pretty terrific.

    As for Moritakas, I've liked all three that come to mind, that I've used, quite a bit.
  5. EdipisReks

    EdipisReks The Picasso of Creepiness Founding Member

    VG-10 is good stuff, I agree, you just have to treat it right.
  6. Huw

    Huw Founding Member

    Thats because you're holding it in the wrong hand! You should try holding it in your right hand :D
  7. Lefty

    Lefty Founding Member

    Hahaha. You could be...ummm...right....

    Thought of another under-rated maker:

    Mike Davis
  8. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Source: http://www.chefknivestogoforum.com/post56063.html?hilit=#p56063

    Maybe the hype is simply coming from the spinmasters (I mean the retailers)?
  9. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

  10. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    I've said before that Takeda has made great knives, I'd just advise to check on your specific (exact) knife before purchasing to ensure you get a good one because he's slipping lately.
  11. you know, when i started this thread I wanted to know what would be a good quality knife vs one which is just marketing. it was a simple idea of getting a high quality piece without getting hype. ie stay away of "Cut Brooklyn" and get a Kramer. both extreme examples I know. but when I take a closer look there are too many variables and it looks like personal feelings have a lot in it. I cant just order knives to try them willy nilly, at least I would like to limit my options first.
  12. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    Ohhhh well that's easy. You just call or email Jon at Japanese Knife Imports, tell him how you plan to use the knife, what you want it to do, any special features and let him recommend 3 or 4 knives to you. Then pick one. :D
  13. EdipisReks

    EdipisReks The Picasso of Creepiness Founding Member

    Yeah, call Jon.
  14. well I do have some knives on the way (not from JKI btw, shipping is a bit pricey). but still want to look at them, expand my knowledge as it were. which is why I haven't put in an "I need a knife thread" :). I am sort of gathering ideas for the next one around the end of the year.
  15. cclin

    cclin Founding Member

    Here is one for you "N u b a t a m a Black Steel gyuto" I can't find anybody know what exactly "Black Steel" is??:confused:
  16. Spaz

    Spaz Founding Member

    I was hoping the KKF vs. CKTG crap wasn't going to spill over to here. I'm totally is sick of it personally.
  17. well the fact that the maker's name is not mentioned anywhere is telling.
  18. panda

    panda Founding Member

    black steel, inverse of white. Takes dull edge, last forever, hard to sharpen?
  19. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    +1. Luckily I'm geographically required to use vendors and resources that keep me out of the monkey poop fight.
  20. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Many makers are not real names. Itinomonn, Kochi, Yamawaku, and many other names are not actually smith or business names, but brands with unidentified producers (some may in fact be the same people). A few like Zakuri and some of the Sakai brands actually mention their makers, but many do not.

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