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Wet Shaving?

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by PierreRodrigue, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Thanks Anton, I was going to go for the whole tripod/remote trigger/lighting set up but just went freehand:D That is me done for now, need to actually get some money in before any more goes out:eek:
  2. Or you could actually try shaving and share your impressions and more pictures
  3. Just about to do that, got the afternoon free so plenty of time to take it nice and easy
  4. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Looks like you are on your way Warren. Now take your time and no pressure on the razor!
  5. Ok so it's all over, no blood:D First impressions on the razor itself, I was a little worried the shorter handle could be an issue being used to the longer handles on the cartridge ones, no problems at all and it is very easy to hold, the textured 'Barley' grip felt nice and gave me a lot of confidence that the razor wouldn't slip or move about in my hand. The weight of the razor seemed to be perfect and I didn't really need to apply much pressure to get it to cut smoothly.
    So after a bit of exfoliating with some stuff I found in the cabinet and forgot I even had I lathered up with the Proraso, got a nice lather going and worked it in for a while and then grabbed the razor:eek:
    First few strokes didn't really do anything and it took a little while to get the angle and pressure right, I think I was being too delicate(don't think it even touched my face on the first stroke:D) to begin with but better that than pressing the blade in to my face:D When I got it right there was no tugging of the hair and it cut smoothly and quickly, a little bravery was needed around the old adams apple and under my nose, but with a little care I got all the hair off with no nicks. Sideburns took a little while to figure out due to working out the angle once again, but got there in the end.
    Did 2 more passes and tidied up a few bits here and there that I didn't quite get right originally.
    I would say for my first attempt it went about as well as it could:) It's a nice close shave, better than the old cartridge, but not 100% perfect, that will be down to my skills(or lack of) I am sure that will come with practice.
    Will try the other blades next shave and see what they are like, got a sample pack ordered to try a few others out as well.
    So I am very happy I have a DE now and actually think I might enjoy shaving for once:)
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
  6. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    There ya go, Mate! congrats!
  7. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    WOOHO! Thats about as good as it gets on the first trip! Congratulations Warren.
  8. Thanks guys, feels like I am 16 and learning to shave again:D I guess it helps shaving for over 20 years as you really get to know your face without even realising. Looks like I might have to 'rearrange' some of my wifes extensive perfume and toiletries collection and extend the 4" square of cabinet space I have to accommodate the shaving gear;)
  9. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    $30 gets you started...

    Nice looking Edwin Jagger. Now I'm wanting a new razor and that happen often! I've been content with my Fatboy!

    They make razor and brush stands that you can leave out on sink top or shelf or whatever. Kind of a decoration piece then.
  10. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    I got an inexpensive one. It has a bad spot under where the brush hangs. It will continue to work for a long while. I've just been more aware of drying my brush more and wiping off excess water spots that happen along the base.
  11. See what you guys have done:eek:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Saw this and made the seller what I though was a pretty silly offer and now I own it:confused: Someone grab my ankles before I get any further down the hole:D
  12. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  13. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    Nice setup warren. Happy shaving.
  14. Looking at your avatar I don't think you need one of those… :p
  15. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    Need and want are two different things.
  16. Didn't really plan on buying it but they accepted my pathetic offer:confused: Figured I could try the Gillette and put the Edwin Jagger I got in it's place if I don't like the Tech, nice to have a little travel set, although I can't seem myself using all of it, don't pluck my eyebrows very often:D
  17. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    Anyone know where I can get La Toja aftershave splash in the US? No one seems to carry it, but then again my google skills are not great...
  18. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    Well yup, there you go. Thanks

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