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Discussion in 'CJA Edged Art / Scorpion Forge' started by CrisAnderson27, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    If he's not going to chime in online, I hope he'll at least stop by the post office and pick up a box before it gets returned to the sender.
  2. larrybard

    larrybard Founding Member

    Cris is fine. Was just in touch with him. He's been extremely busy working.
  3. I'm still here guys!! Just working, and holding down my kids archery lessons, and getting my certification as a coach so they can KEEP going to their archery lessons, and dealing with some pretty serious fallout from my previous business partner writing checks in my old company's name long after we closed the doors.

    October seriously sucked. Like...bad.

    Plus...I haven't received a single email notification of any posts in my threads. Even my notification bar on the top right doesn't show any of these messages in it? Did we have some kind of server reset or something? I still receive my email notifications of PM's though. I've been keeping in touch with XooMG semi consistently through that. But nothing from the main boards.
  4. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    Well I hope November will be better!

    I'll take this issue to Jim. I think there was a server switch or planet alignment a couple weeks ago.
  5. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Cris, I sent you a test email to your email- let me know if you get it. Your settings look good so unless you are blocked at the IP level you should be getting them.
  6. Thanks you two!

    I think the problem was that one of the notifications got through and escaped my notice...which meant it got deleted. Since I hadn't checked the board during that week, no more notifications came through.

    It's all good now though!
  7. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

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