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Time for this Beast...

Discussion in 'CJA Edged Art / Scorpion Forge' started by CrisAnderson27, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. ...to get its own thread :).

    310mm sujihiki collaboration with @mkriggen!!

    20141212_112012.jpg 20141212_112029.jpg 20141212_112056.jpg 20141212_112106.jpg 20141212_112144.jpg

    More pictures to come once Mikey does his handle magic!!
  2. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Glamour shots look great. I'll try to take at least one glamour shot of mine when everything's done.
  3. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  4. Yours will get her beauty session before I send it off my friend :).

    This is a sujihiki...for slicing proteins. Meat, fish, poultry.

    Call it a more classy version of your grandma's round tipped serving knife :).
  5. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  6. Yes sir!! The good stuffs!
  7. That really is a beast!
  8. mkriggen

    mkriggen Founding Member

    As Cris was nice enough to pound this thing out for me, I figured I would let you all watch as it blossoms and grows. This might take a while as I intend to make a saya and presentation box for it finished in real urushi lacquer. Of course, first I have to learn how to do urushi lacquer. I'll worry about that after I get a handle on it.
    To match the personality of the blade, I wanted the handle to be kinda barbaric, yet elegant and understated (well, understated for me). While I was waiting for the blade, I put a lot of thought into how I was going to achieve this. All of those thoughts went right out the window the night Randy put some awesome mammoth ivory blocks up for sale. Right after I bought the ivory from Randy I went over to Mark's site and ordered a big hunk of bog oak, because I'd been inspired. I'm calling this my 'Bronze Age Handle'. The only components that are younger then the bronze age are the bronze spacers them self's (I figured that was fair). The body will be ancient bog oak, with mammoth ivory ferrule, mammoth tooth end cap, and two bronze spacers sandwiching a bog oak spacer on each end.


    More to come, but not tonight,
  9. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    following his same style, i think this will suite it well!
  10. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    My goodness, what a beautiful suji!!! Keep up the good work, Cris. :) I can't wait to see the handle Mikey does.
  11. Absolutely!!

    Looking forward to your next update brother!
  12. mkriggen

    mkriggen Founding Member

    Made some more progress with this one.

    Glued, squared up, and tapered.

    Shaping complete.

    And dry fitting. I used to wait until the handle was all done before fitting it up, but that was just because I'm not always the sharpest ball in the box. Much better to do this before making every thing shiny:).

    The handle is now at the engravers. Once I get it back the next steps are doing the inlay and lots of sanding.

    be well,
  13. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    I am not normally a fan of busy handles, but I am really digging this one.
  14. mkriggen

    mkriggen Founding Member

    I've kinda tried to stay away from commentary on this thread, as it's not my forum, but I think this deserves addressing. I'm not a big fan of multiple individual spacers myself, but I've found that when you bookend one spacer with two thin matching spacers the visual impression is of a single complex spacer, vice three individual spacers. The result is that in a handle like this one, you only get the impression of two matching spacers (one at each end) instead of six individual spacers. Does that make sense? Understand, this is just my own opinion and not backed up by.....well, anything really:j

    Be well,
  15. Feel free to comment as you like my friend. No stepping on toes here! You're just taking the knife to its finish point.

    As for handles and spacers...I agree completely. I feel that complex spacers, when done right...add a 'classy' look...rather than a 'busy' look. Regardless of how many pieces involved, if you execute it properly, it absolutely looks like a single spacer 'in effect'.

    By the way...I'm absolutely LOVING this knife! I just hope the blade can live up to the finished handle!!
  16. apicius9

    apicius9 Founding Member

    I might have to hop over to Kona to inspect this when it's done, looks great! And I agree what has been said about spacers. FWIW, the longer I play with handles, the more I like the 'simple' and understated ones, just 2 or 3 well-matched high-quality pieces. But this one here is really nice, I like the combo . Hope to show you its brother shortly ;)

  17. mkriggen

    mkriggen Founding Member

    And here she is...
    wip16.JPG wip17.JPG wip18.JPG wip19.JPG wip20.JPG

    Next comes the saya:)

    Be well,
  18. Lefty

    Lefty Founding Member

    I agree, 100%. This one is perfectly balanced. Beautiful work, Mikey and Cris!
  19. What a beauty... and a work of craftsmanship. Congrats to the new owner and the maker. I applaud you both.
    John emmerling
  20. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    What a beautiful, flippin, piece of work!!! Major league props to Cris & Mikey both. I am way jealous! :cool:

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