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Discussion in 'CJA Edged Art / Scorpion Forge' started by CrisAnderson27, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. Ok guys...I have to ask...

    How many of you have Instagram??

    The main reason I ask, is because my work is updated most often there. I can post pictures, video, commentary...whatever, all from my phone in just a few seconds...while working. This is MUCH MUCH easier than loading facebook and trying to navigate THAT mess...or even loading the forum and updating here. I usually save those for the end of the night...and most often am too tired to do so lol, so it's days or more between updates.

    Anyhow! If you have Instagram and want to follow, my name there is CrisAnderson27. I have a great group of knifemaking buddies you can follow there as well. Also, post your own user names up here if you like...and we can make our own little KKFa group there as well :D.

    By the way...I saw that the forum has an Instagram account...I follow it. Any chance you guys are going to be doing something with it soon? I know for a fact that if you guys can get some of our (as craftsmen) blades up on it...it can be shouted out by any number of us and be a GREAT tool for drawing people to the site. I know when I posted that only existing KKFa members were going to be considered for my passaround knife the other day, I got a lot of direct messages asking about the site and how to get here.
  2. The KKFora IG account could be really cool.
  3. YOU my friend, forgot to post your IG username!!

  4. Jeffery Hunter

    Jeffery Hunter Founding Member

    I follow both of you guys on instagram. It took a minute to figure out Boothill Blades when you had to switch Jared. Jefferyahunter is who I am there.
  5. Yeah it took a lot of people by surprise. I see you all the time on there Jeffery! Thanks

  6. chefcomesback

    chefcomesback Founding Member

    @ MERTTANSU here , I follow quite few of people there as well
  7. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    Instagram is great. I get to see guns, knives, beer, bird dogs and family updates all in one feed!

    john.fout i think... I'l be following you soon if i'm not already. I know I have you on facebook.
  8. Bill T

    Bill T Founding Member

    Been following you for a while Cris, as you know. ..love your knife posts.

    I'm @tycknives on IG for those that want to check it out.
    Haven't posted much though lately as some things have kept me out of the shop.
    I'll be getting busy soon though.
  9. For me it's knives, bows, Mustangs, heelers, and a bunch of rather beautiful women who followed me for who knows what reason lol.
  10. I believe I'm following you too Bill. I'll double check right now.

    Yep...I knew I was lol. I have a lot of guys with such similar names it's kinda difficult to differentiate sometimes.
  11. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    Nope. Don't see the need.
  12. Besides #foodporn, #catporn and #selfieporn actually there is a lot of interesting stuff on Instagram and often that stuff isn't being reposted anywhere else. The trick is to follow ONLY those people who really makes something interesting.
  13. I agree Anton. It's kind of like a better Facebook without the lame drama. There's always something new to look at so people get tired of bickering more quickly lol.
  14. chefcomesback

    chefcomesback Founding Member

    I have been using Instagram quite a bit and I do enjoy it . It is instant like taking a picture and just posting it .
    I always see Jons dinner adventures or Cris ' crazy hamons before they hit the fora . I agree with being like a less drama Facebook , I found so many interesting people with unique talents be cooking or knifemaking and I even met few of my followers in person .
    The adds made it annoying but good thing is there is always block option .
  15. Mrmnms

    Mrmnms Founding Member Gold Contributor

    I follow a few of you guys. My kids got me on. Like your videos Cris
  16. chefcomesback

    chefcomesback Founding Member

    What's your IG Mike , didn't think you were there ???
  17. Mrmnms

    Mrmnms Founding Member Gold Contributor

    I have it more so I can see what my kids are up to, but you guys are slowly dragging me in to the 21st Centurty. Mrmnms on Instagram
  18. Thanks man! It's just so much more easier to update there while I'm in the process of working than it is to try to update here or Facebook. I wish I could directly translate video from there to here...I'd have a LOT more video update here.

    Here's a few for you guys who are interested:

    https://instagram.com/p/0ucBx7GOkv (for Jason lol...aka 'Predator Bait'!)

    Those are my video posts in the last 24hrs or so. As a disclaimer, I don't always post video this often...but I do post pretty regularly. Second disclaimer...I post pretty much anything I feel like. My life is very much reflected in my Instagram...hobbies, interests, frustrations, setbacks, successes, family, excitement...all of it.

    But, mostly...it's knives :D.
  19. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    What????? Mrmnms??? Instagaram....... THE HUMANITY!!! :cool:
  20. Lefty

    Lefty Founding Member

    Consider yourself followed! Wait....

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