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So I just reground my itinomon

Discussion in 'The Kitchen Knife' started by bieniek, May 9, 2015.

  1. bieniek

    bieniek Founding Member

    And did some quick food for tomorrow, or monday.

  2. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    It says video has been removed because it is too long....
  3. I just reground an Ichinomon (same knife?) myself lol! I was looking forward to seeing this video :D.
  4. BathonUk

    BathonUk Founding Member

    Where's the video Bieniek? I want to see it
  5. Mrmnms

    Mrmnms Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Had it been someone than the likes of Cris or Bieniek, it would have raised my eyebrows and shook my head at this post.
  6. Thanks for the vote of confidence!! Mine is a complete reprofile and grind both. I'll get the permission of the owner and maybe see about making a post in my section about it :).

    Still interested in seeing what bieniek did with his though :D.
  7. Mrmnms

    Mrmnms Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Me too Cris. I am by no means an expert , but I've dealt with more than my share of knives that someone decided to "re profile"
  8. William Catcheside

    William Catcheside Founding Member

    You'll have to regrind it again, but faster this time so you can fit it in the video:p
  9. ROFL :p

    Seriously, though, I'm interested to see the video :pop. YouTube link possible?
  10. In the world of 10 hour nyan cat videos i cannot even imagine how long this video could have been to make youtube say it was "too long".:BF
  11. I think this one will be worthwhile :D.
  12. bieniek

    bieniek Founding Member

    Im so sorry people I will add the video in parts as soon as I figure out how to cut the movie. Its a .mov file and I would just want to make two parts outta it Ive downloaded movavi but it informs me it leaves .... watermark throughout. About here my patience ends.
    Dont really look to edit it at all, any ideas?
    The thing got to 26 minutes, nothing major really but the youtube is bastards huh? first they let me upload the video and I get the link and so after one hour wait the 2gbs are uploaded and then i get a message that says its too long...

    Last edited: May 12, 2015
  13. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Video works for me now. Huh.
    Now Cris needs to make a movie to match it. :D
  14. A bit off topic, but how long have you cooked those ribs for?
    3-4-5 hours, overnight?
  15. bieniek

    bieniek Founding Member

    It must have been like 25 ish hours in about 70-90 degrees oven. Its old and beaten would not expect better accuracy.

    Im surprised you watched that far to see the ribs [I hope youve been jumping over]. The ribs and a piece of belly comes from a eco pig I butchered earlier that day [part of a salami project]
    Myself I couldn't make myself watch the thing whole lol :) and I find it really boring,

    so for those looking for the knife actually cutting stuff
    its 2:10 for the first carrot cuts, then from 04:20 onion and garlic to about 09:10, and then carrots 11:15 to about 14:00.
  16. Not bloody likely lol. You've seen my one and only cutting video. Maybe in a year or two :p.

    I watched the whole thing lol. I'm finding I'm fascinated with cutting videos. I figure if I watch enough of them maybe I'll magically figure out how to do it :p.
  17. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    New profile looks pretty sweet.
  18. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    If anyone is concerned that Cris's mark was added to the knife...it was on my request. It would be dishonest to both misrepresent the Ichinomon brand and not credit the craftsman who modified the knife. There is no fraud or ambiguity in the use of a modder's mark, and it is no more an insult to the maker than the initial regrinding.
  19. bieniek

    bieniek Founding Member

    Picture no can see... Is it just me?

    Chief its all about the performance.

    Practice practice practice.
  20. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Ah, whoops.

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