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the garden thread

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by butch, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Should be harvesting the first Sungolds in a couple days, as long as they don't bake on the vine. My tomatoes are in pots on the driveway right now, but I need to drag them into the shade. Going to be pushing 100 degrees this weekend. Bleh! I have enough hot flashes without any help from the weather.
  2. butch

    butch Founding Member

    pulled a few beets tonight but most are not ready to be pulled (makes canning tricky ) the mator talk really has me rememberig that i really need to build the 2nd cage set on them before they over run the stock 4 foot cages. black beans are going nuts but the carats not doing well due to light needs and a beagle usig them as a bed the other day
    onions are gettign bigger so is the garlic but im un sure how big since least the onions have crested the dirt (any garlic people want to tip me off on when to pull)
  3. Burl Source

    Burl Source Founding Member

    I was too slow getting the camera. When I was changing the water in the pool 2 of the ducks got tired of waiting on me and jumped into their drinking water bucket. To give an idea of size, one duck will barely fit. When I got back with the camera they were already in the pool.
    Watching these guys is like one of those old "Keystone Cops" movies.
  4. After about 15,000 pounds of pea gravel later, our garden area is basically finished. [​IMG]
  5. Burl Source

    Burl Source Founding Member

    Good idea with the gravel. I get lots of weeds between my raised beds.
    Not too sure about your garden tools though. Might be time for some big boy tools.
  6. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  7. Haha! Those are my best tools!
  8. Thanks! The gravel makes it easy to walk on bare footed and I can just spray the weeds easily.
  9. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    My driveway is pea carvel concrete. The kind that has the sea shells mixed in for decoration and little different colored pebbles. It's really pretty but i dislike walking on it barefoot and I very much prefer to be barefoot outside.

    Maybe I just have sensitive feet.
  10. butch

    butch Founding Member

    we are debating adding on to the raised bed space 4 6'X6' beds jsut are not seeming to be enough part of us things 2 more beds 3x6 feet wodul cover us but would hate to under size by not going ahead with 2 more 6x6 bedsd
  11. Burl Source

    Burl Source Founding Member

    Do you all feed your gardens much?
    It has been a long time since I had done any serious gardening so a lot of what I am doing has been trial and error.
    So far what seems most important are good soil, good sunlight and daily feeding with duck soup.
    The ducks make it for me. Take a bucket of water, each duck poops in it and then they mix it all up while wrestling with each other to see who gets to get into the bucket next. When the color is right I pour it on the plants.
    Sorry about the bad photo. At just before 5am the dog started barking. I took my phone with me just in case bigfoot was out back again. and I found the ducks bucket wrestling.

    Something I will do next year is put more flowers in the veggie garden for bees.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
  12. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    something I will do is build a fence. Damn rabbits!
  13. Burl Source

    Burl Source Founding Member

    There are a couple giant rabbits that visit our property. (a variety of jack rabbit about tall as my knee)
    I sprayed the fenceline around my garden with "Liquid Fence". I have seen the rabbits aproach where I sprayed but they have never crossed the line. The liquid fence works as long as you spray weekly. Cost is about $25 for a gallon at walmart.
  14. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    I've used a few different animal deterrent sprays with little luck. will look for that brand. thanks
  15. Burl Source

    Burl Source Founding Member

    We had deer coming up on the front porch eating the rose bushes and anything else they could find. A local grower of now legal medicinal herbs suggested Liquid Fence when I was in the building supply store. I tried it and it works. But you have to re-apply weekly. It stinks for a few hours but that goes away. Main ingredient is putrescent egg solids (rotten eggs). It only works on deer and rabbits. My dog likes the smells and the ducks and chickens are ok with it as well.
    This is the one I use. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Liquid-Fence-Deer-and-Rabbit-Repellent-Ready-to-Use-1-gal/45942154
  16. butch

    butch Founding Member

    gamo makes rabbit repelant ;)
  17. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Yes butch, but they are Wascally!!
  18. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    A white one named Harvey?
  19. butch

    butch Founding Member

    well all onions are out of the ground now and all of the garlic i think that will be any good (next year im planting this fall for them ) green beans are about done but the blackbeans are still going wild. just started pulling romas off this week and tators will be out im guessing next week. cant believe how fast this summer has been going
  20. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Sounds like a great harvest, Butch. Bet you're eating well.

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