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Shanti's 205mm W2 Honyaki Gyuto

Discussion in 'CJA Edged Art / Scorpion Forge' started by CrisAnderson27, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. I was recently contacted by a young lady who is the Executive Chef and lead food stylist for a TV program on the Hallmark Channel. She told me that she had a birthday coming up, and wanted something that would 'fit her'. We spent a good bit of time on the phone talking, during which I learned quite a bit about her preferences in her knives, as well as a good bit in regards to her personality. Over the next few months, being friends on both Instagram and Facebook, I learned even more. I believe this knife will fit her quite well...not only as a tool, but as an expression of her personality as well ;).

    205mm x 50mm x 3mm thick over the heel, with a focus on laser like cutting and good food release.

    Steel - AISI W2 from Aldo at New Jersey Steel Baron
    Handle - Stabilized (K&G) California buckeye burl with the live edge exposed and reclaimed copper spacers.

    DSC_5159small.jpg DSC_5161small.jpg DSC_5162small.jpg DSC_5164small.jpg DSC_5165small.jpg DSC_5171small.jpg DSC_5172small.jpg DSC_5173small.jpg DSC_5174small.jpg DSC_5178small.jpg DSC_5179small.jpg DSC_5183small.jpg DSC_5181small.jpg

    Thanks for looking!!
  2. Beautiful as always!
  3. Thanks Stephan!! I'm not sure what happened to the color of the pictures lol...I may have to redo this entire thread!
  4. That's absolutely stunning! I'm gonna have you make me one just like this. Please PM me pricing.
  5. Thanks! I'll write up a PM now :).

    Last edited: Jul 8, 2015
  6. I took a few more pictures while playing with my new DSLR camera. They seem to have come out well enough I figured I'd share them here.

    No reason to waste them :D.

    DSC_5206a.jpg DSC_5209a.jpg DSC_5212a.jpg DSC_5213a.jpg DSC_5215a.jpg DSC_5217a.jpg DSC_5222s.jpg
  7. This might be my favorite piece by you so far Cris. Excellent work! I can't tell you how much I appreciate every knifemakers' own style. Everybody has beautiful differences that set them apart from one another.
  8. Can't get enough of the handle! Beautiful work as always
  9. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Just stunning. I love the look of the void created in the burl. When I consider John's comments on the pass around where in his hand became tired chopping 100 pounds of onions, if that irregular, though beautiful, void would make the knife uncomfortable in long use?

    Also, though I know no two pasterns on your blades will be the same, the left side of this one has a very attractive wispy quality to it. seems to have some horizontal motion like fast moving clouds or something.
  10. Lefty

    Lefty Founding Member

    Will you marry me?

    Not sure if that was for the knife, or you, Cris....
  11. Ugh… someone's heart is gonna be broken…
  12. First, thank you everyone!!

    I agree my friend! I particularly love when makers approach the same type knife completely differently. It's one of my favorite parts of my craft. So much to learn and share!

    Thanks man! Yours should be coming up in the next six weeks if all goes well!

    I think John's discomfort was due to an injury he sustained as a teenager. If he sees this perhaps he can clarify. Arthritic pain/fatigue in a pinch grip makes him switch to a hammer grip, and the taller, wider flared butt of the passaround handle doesn't ease the fatigue or pain that was already caused. I've never heard of anyone having discomfort from using one of my knives...beyond the discomfort they might have using anyone's knives lol. In fact, I usually hear that they are more comfortable with the slightly extended choil.

    To more directly answer your question though, the void actually doesn't affect anything at all. Even in a full right handed hammer grip...you can't really even feel it. In a pinch grip, your hand doesn't touch it at all. @James has the same style handle and has used it extensively...maybe he'll chime in and let you know how it feels?

    Unfortunately sir...I'm married to my work.../sigh!!

    I know right?? Tom's such a hunk!
  13. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    I bet Toms a cuddler Cris, you should snatch him up while you can
  14. Right lol??

    By the way, while you're here making comments...how about letting MotoMike know how your handle feels in regards to the live edges? Yours has even more than Shanti's...so if yours is comfortable and without issue, hers should be as well :).
  15. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    well, I've never really thought about it,... which says to me is comfortable, out i would have noticed... but give me a few hours, I'll go chuck it in hand and put some thought into what i actually feel in hand
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2015
  16. Very very very very very nice!
  17. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    so about the handle,

    in a pinch grip the live edge is behind all my fingers so it feels like a regular Wa but with your taper on it. in a hammer grip the part of my palm right below my pinky and ring finger catch it, but i don't grip hard with my last two fingers in that grip so i never noticed until you asked. either way i get a comfortable confident grip on the handle
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2015
  18. Thanks Mark!

    That was my experience too James. The edges aren't sharp or uncomfortable even when/if they do contact part of your hand...so there's no discomfort.

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