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Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by Jim, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Intrigued

    Intrigued Founding Member

    So sorry for your loss, Lucretia.
    Hope your new troublemakers bring you many years of joy.

    My little house elf/cat, Dobby took a sudden down turn and I had to make the same decision a week ago last Saturday.

    How can one little cat leave such a big void in a house that has three dogs and a parrot? :(

    Was going to wait until at least spring before trying to add another cat to the mix again..... Lasted three days before I dragged home a rescue kitten. :oops:

    This is Vanish
    Vanish 00.jpg
  2. My two little turds; Peanut (L) and Betty (R).
    Peanut is very stupid, Betty is very smart. Neither have any manners.
    They enjoy long walks, fine wine, playing tug of war with decomposing rats, poetry.

    Shortly after this photo was taken, we had to drag that couch out back and burn it, they had made it so disgusting.

  3. Vanish! Excellent name!
  4. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Thanks, Connie. Vanish looks like a soft little ball of trouble. So sorry to hear about Dobby. It's amazing how much a part of the family the little beasts become.

    The new kids are settling in a bit, although they still don't feel their best. They've finally told us what their names are.

    Turd Ferguson, showing off his ink. (The pound puts a tattoo on their bellies to show they've been fixed.) He's starting to get more energy. Could get scary. We had to force feed him a couple days ago, but now he is eating on his own--and eating, and eating, and eating.


    Slinky Marie. She's just getting to the worst part of the cold if it affects her like it did her brother. Unlike him, she's eating. As long as I give her food from a spoon. She can't get enough of that. She's too ladylike right now to eat directly from the bowl.

  5. Intrigued

    Intrigued Founding Member

    So, does Peanut follow Betty's lead when they're looking for trouble?

    Mycroft, my Boston Terrier has done some modifications on one of the couches too. :fp

    His markings seemed really unusual to me. Thanks to Google, I found there is a name for his type of markings. It's called a Van Pattern. He has some more of those smokey grey spots on the back of all of his legs, though, so he's not really a "Classic Van". But he is Vanish. :D

    Actually the name for his type of markings is "Seychellois Huitieme", but that's not nearly as fun or easy to say. :confused:


    I love those names! It's good to hear that Turd Ferguson is feeling better. Here's hoping Slinky Marie starts feeling better soon also.
  6. I don't think poor Peanut would follow a lead even if she knew how.

    Lucretia, I wish you best of luck with your foundlings. I have use broad definitions of cat breeds, but the Siamese type of cat, even if it's only half, is really the only one I would ever consider having.
  7. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Our last cat was a meezer mix (a flame point) and was just the nicest little cat I've ever known. Combine that with siamese cats being reputed to have a longer life span, and we wanted to try another cat with some siamese in it. (The blue eyes don't hurt, either.) I really wanted a lynx point, but we'd been looking at Petfinder.com and the local pounds' websites, and when Slinky Marie's picture came up we knew we had to go see her. Of course we came home and did a search after we adopted these, and that same day there was a litter of tiny lynx point mixes at a local rescue. I think these guys needed us, though. They were pretty sick and had to be fed with spoons and syringes for a couple days, but they seem to be past the crisis point and are really coming around. Turd Ferguson already seems to be a lot like our last cat in personality. Really friendly and happy, although still a bit spooky when you first come in the room. Slinky Marie didn't want anything to do with us at first (especially when it came time for eye medicine--she DOESN"T like that!) but now she'll come out of her box and approach you for some petting and attention. I think they're going to be good little cats.
  8. Intrigued

    Intrigued Founding Member

    Vanish's version of a war on Christmas or a least a war with one poor little Christmas Tree. [​IMG]

    Vanish & Christmas Tree - Round 3.jpg
    Vanish & Christmas Tree 11wk.jpg

    Vanish & Christmas Tree 3.jpg
  9. Bill T

    Bill T Founding Member

    Loving Vanish..We had an old girl, GiGi, that defended the tree as her territory. Made taking it down quite an experience..
  10. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Oh, look at those sleepy dogs getting their nap interrupted...
  11. No, that squinty look is them trying to hypnotize me into regurgitating an entire freshly deep-fried turkey. Make that two turkeys, with sides of buffalo wings and chipolatas. And steak. And salmon.
    It's their default facial expression.
  12. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Vanish is too cute! We stopped doing Christmas trees because of that kind of behavior. Our last cat ate tinsel...and ended up being the train engine for a tinsel/poop train and would run around the house trying to escape what was chasing her.

    Turd Ferguson and Slinky Marie are growing by leaps and bounds. This picture is a only few days old and they're much bigger than this already.

  13. Excellent! I had a cat who experienced this very same thing. Every time the cat took a corner; coming out of the living room floor, round the kitchen table, hitting the landings on the stair, those tinsel-poop love-beads would swing in a devastating high speed arc, sparing neither curtains, nor wallpaper, nor table legs. Traumatic!
  14. Intrigued

    Intrigued Founding Member

    What a gorgeous pair of kitties!!
    Turd Ferguson and Slinky Marie look like they're feeling a ton better now that they've gotten over they're colds.

    We've managed to pretty much convince Vanish to leave the tree alone with a few well aimed squirts from a water bottle. [​IMG]
    In fact, Vanish is really fitting in well with our little pack of three dogs and parrot.

    Vanish & Mycroft are becoming good buddies. :)
    Vanish & Mycroft resting 2.jpg
  15. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    This little gitls owner is a friend of a friend. He has some serious health problems that have left him barely able to walk... and knowing he cant drain the batteties on this little one enough he made the seriously hard choice to send her to a home that can get her a little more active. I went to meet him tonight, even got to walk the little princess. Everyone hit it off, and although its a sad situation for all, I am happy to have a new family member to come home to. Her name is Pray, a 8 month old German Shepard.

    Attach13377_20160120_093912.jpg Attach13378_20160120_094032.jpg
  16. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    Bravo James. You two will have some stories to tell! 8 months old? Perfect time to get her.

    You are giving the guy some peace of mind too!
  17. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Aw, she's a beauty, James. Anyone I've known who's had german shepherds thinks they are GREAT dogs.
  18. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Lol shes not my first, I love the breed they are such great dogs. I cant wait to get home tonight and start my relationship with her.
  19. Intrigued

    Intrigued Founding Member

    I'm so happy for you both, James! She's a beauty! :cool1 .................................. But what does your cat think? :D
  20. scotchef38

    scotchef38 Founding Member

    This is Ruski,he is a Husky/Jack Russell cross ,the Husky was the mum.He can pull me off my feet and i am 110kg image.jpeg

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