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Joe's 240mm W2 Hitatsura Honyaki 'Extra Heavy' Gyuto

Discussion in 'CJA Edged Art / Scorpion Forge' started by CrisAnderson27, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. This is one of those knives where everything just went 'right'. Seriously, even the hardening (which I initially thought was a failure, but wasn't) turned out spectacularly on the first try. Handle, saya, polishing...this thing was a dream to make!

    So thank you Joe for the extremely enjoyable commission! This thing is a beast of a cutter, and I can't help but think you're going to love it!

    Steel - AISI W2 from Aldo at New Jersey Steel Baron

    Handle - Stabilized redwood burl from Arizona Ironwood LLC, nickel silver and stabilized Oregon maple burl from Mark Farley at Burlsource.

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  2. Bill T

    Bill T Founding Member

    Stunning as always Cris!
  3. good ole ironwood gets me every time :like
  4. Really like the combo of the maple spacers and the ironwood.
  5. Thanks a ton guys!

    Coqavin and Cheeks, it's actually redwood burl from Arizona Ironwood LLC. They're a semi local wood vendor down in Tucson :).
  6. either way really sexy !!
  7. Thanks :D!!

    I saw your comment on the other forum on Ferry's knife btw, lol. Thanks for that, too ;).
  8. Haha Yeah, Ferry seems to do a lot of catching and releasing. I don't blame him for keeping that beauty.
  9. He has admitted that to me as well, lol :D.
  10. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Purdy!!! :cool: :pop
  11. Great stuff as always! The handle look great with the light maple still having some darker brown features to tie it in with the ironwood, very nice!
  12. Thanks Al! Yours and Marc's are up next, and the bunka :D.

    Thank you Warren!! I love the light/dark contrast as well, but it's redwood burl not ironwood lol ;).
  13. I was close! :D I think I got the wood mixed up with where you got it from!
  14. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Possibly my favorite of your knives yet, Cris. Beautiful knife!
  15. I bet you did lol. I think everyone else did too :D.

    Thank you miss! These extra heavy knives are topping my list as well. Wait till you guys see Marc's, lol. His hamon is...I don't know how to explain. Almost ugly...but not. The wood we chose is spectacular, and matches the line beautifully. It's going to be a special piece I think!
  16. I'd have to agree, although I may be a little biased ;)

  17. I think it's safe to say it should now be ironwood :p
  18. Biased? You?? NO WAY!!


    Right lol?
  19. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Glad these have been working out. Hope we get more feedback from folks.
  20. Wow. Incredible. How thick is this extra heavy knife at the heal/spine, Cris?

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