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Jnat show (aka show your Jnats). Picture heavy.

Discussion in 'Sharpening forum' started by valgard, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. Well, I couldn't find a thread like this dedicated only to Jnats so lets get the ball rolling with this. Some pics are mine some are from @Brooksie967

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  2. Here are a few of mine, if I can figure out how to share them.

    The mid-grits
    Couple of giant vintage Aotos. Both of these are mud factories.
  3. Some finishers.
    This one is pretty special
  4. Nice uchi
    Here is a fast Shiro suita
    I'm not sure what this is, but it is a ringer. Very fine yet muddy and buttery smooth. It has some gold veins running through it and is very consistent.
  5. couple impressive suita there and the uchi looks pretty good too (Maruoyama?).
  6. Yes
  7. Good idea. I think most who start down the hole would agree with me that's its a deeper one than that of knives.
  8. For sure. I don't NEED another knife, but I would go crazy without new stones once in a while.
  9. Totally! it's much deeper and darker.
  10. Kiitas like this should be illegal..
  11. Yeah! I have a a love/hate relationship with that feeling because I know it goes along with the sound of money leaving my bank account.
  12. If it helps its "only" 195x75x18mm :(. But well, if it was bigger I probably wouldn't have been able to get it as it would be worth in the thousands lol. That nakayama suita has barely any holes, currently with Jeremy for testing and he's loving it.
  13. 200x100x26mm aka range suita
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  14. Reading threads like this can get very expensive, very quickly.

    Luckily I have perfect self control, so I am immune ;)
  15. Playing around with this guy today. This is after about 8 or 10 strokes with water only. I was so impressed by the swarf production, I had stop and take a picture. [​IMG]
  16. I've heard that before... :p
  17. ugh, not getting much traction here, lets put a couple more up

    Aiiwatani Tomae 198x86x31mm
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