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Andy Gladish
Last Activity:
Oct 25, 2016
Sep 28, 2016
Trophy Points:
Jan 25, 1958 (Age: 67)
Home Page:
Guemes Island, WA
Full time knifemaker, blacksmith

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Andy Gladish

67, from Guemes Island, WA

Andy Gladish was last seen:
Oct 25, 2016
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  • About

    Jan 25, 1958 (Age: 67)
    Home Page:
    Guemes Island, WA
    Full time knifemaker, blacksmith
    I come from a metalworking family, have been collecting knives since I was a kid.
    I became interested in knives during my time as a working blacksmith specializing in architectural work- my wife had a favorite knife that she felt was "just right," but it wouldn't stay sharp and fell apart....when I made one for her out of real materials, she said, "Make a hundred!"
    That was my first good seller, and still a great favorite with my clientele.
    I do make some hunting and fighting knives on special request, but my main interest by far is culinary knives- no other type of knife gets used as much as a good cooking knife, and it's an extremely demanding (and competitive) niche- keeps me constantly challenged!