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What's cooking?

Discussion in 'Food and Drink' started by Jim, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Andrew

    Andrew Have Pen Will Travel Founding Member

    Here are a couple meals from this week. First was a lamb stew with red wine base. It was cooked for 2.5 hours, and the lamb fell apart when touched with a spoon.

    The last photo was jalapeño
    chicken sausages (Trader Joe's), grilled portobello (with garlic/worcestershire sauce), and spinach with homemade spicy guacamole. I was halfway through eating by the time I realized I should take a photo. I have a great guac recipe I need to share.
    P1100827.JPG P1100829.JPG P1100831.JPG P1100837.JPG P1100842.JPG
  2. EdipisReks

    EdipisReks The Picasso of Creepiness Founding Member

    Well, it's for tomorrow, but I made 8 pounds of sausage, tonight. Half Thai pork sausage and half Ruhlman's chicken sausage. I'd never done it before. Let's just say that the second batch was a lot quicker than the first. I do another 8 pounds tomorrow, or a Hungarian pork sausage that I found a recipe for. I'm going to smoke the Hungarians and then finish them in sous-vide, before grilling. The other sausages are in the water bath right now. A lot of work, so I hope they are good!
  3. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Andrew, I can just about smell that lamb stew looking at the photos. Looks great!

    Erilyn, the roast was a top loin.
  4. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    HAH! Great action shot.

    I'll never forget the time we went out for a few minutes and left an uncovered cake my mom had baked on the dining table. We had daschunds, and when we got back, one had frosting all over his whiskers and half the cake was gone. Never did figure out how he managed to get on the table.
  5. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    Slow cooked short ribs with mashed taters and veggies. Slow cooked the ribs in a crock pot with pineapple, ginger and BBQ sauce. Wasn't as good as what I had in the restaurant. The BBQ sauce was to overpowering. But...it was still tender and tasty

  6. EdipisReks

    EdipisReks The Picasso of Creepiness Founding Member

    Here are some of the smoked sausages before sous vide:


    Here are some after grilling:


    Only one broke, I think that's pretty good for a first time! Served with an eggplant and tomato gratin, that is one of my standards, and some roast cauliflower gratin. Pretty good dinner.
  7. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  8. EdipisReks

    EdipisReks The Picasso of Creepiness Founding Member

    Is your fax machine on?
  9. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  10. BathonUk

    BathonUk Founding Member

    Home made Russian dumplings:D


  11. Tried out a new chili recipe. It was good but needs a little tweaking

  12. Jay

    Jay No soup for you Founding Member

    I'm going to need a recipe for those.
  13. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Hi EdipisR

    Can you tell me the particulars on the sous vide? I am wondering if it is something I can do with a vacuum sealer and a stove, or does it require more sophisticated set up.
  14. EdipisReks

    EdipisReks The Picasso of Creepiness Founding Member

    You can do it stove top, with a big pot of water and ice to drop in when the temp rises. Basically you'd want to heat the water up higher than the temp you're looking for, turn the element off until the water temp is slightly less than you want, then put it on the absolute lowest setting and put your food items in. if it rises a bit above your temp, drop ice in. That's a time intensive way to do it. Before I had the circulator, I used to use a cooler for steaks, etc, by heating water about 10 degrees higher than I wanted, pouring it into the cooler, and then adding food. That method did a decent job for a couple hours worth of cook time. A circulator makes this way, way easier, and allows for lots of other things, like prolonged low-temp cooking on things like short ribs. The Anova and Sansaire units are $200. I got a good deal on a Polyscience Creative, and I love it. I use it at least two or three times a week.
  15. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    thanks ER
  16. gunnerjohn

    gunnerjohn Founding Member

    Started up dinner for later. Elk roast and elk steaks dry rubbed then tied together to make one big roast. Tucked in with a 1lb blanket of bacon then placed in the Traeger commerical grill with Washington Apple pellets. Going to cook it until it shreds. Serving with grilled asparagus and mushrooms. I'll post more pictures later. Should be yummy 2454.jpg 2457.jpg 2458.jpg 2459.jpg 2460.jpg 2461.jpg 2462.jpg
  17. Brianw

    Brianw The Dark Net Mastermind Founding Member

    Gunner.... I officially hate you
  18. panda

    panda Founding Member

    home made smoked sausage, awesome! curious, why sous vide though?
  19. Made herb crusted lamb and polenta

  20. Brianw

    Brianw The Dark Net Mastermind Founding Member

    Started around 9 this morning..... A nice Sunday gravy... not of the caliber of youse guys but....

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