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He Is Back!

Discussion in 'The Kitchen Knife' started by Mr.Magnus, May 3, 2014.

  1. Trailer & Video

  2. Lefty

    Lefty Founding Member

    Who is this Jamoke? I love it! Hahaha
  3. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  4. Haburn

    Haburn Founding Member

    Hahaha...these guys always have awesome videos.
  5. Yeah :D..

    someone should make him a board that dont split in half when he use it
  6. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    that is why i never skip nap time
  7. arniem

    arniem Founding Member

    I'm not sure exactly what I was watching, but I think I need to share it with others.
  8. He's using an induction cooktop. Awesome x2
  9. I like this clip of him making Tacos. Shows some awesome knife skills on that beautiful cutting board. Also, I'm wondering if I should buy an axe or two for the kitchen. They seem very practical for all sorts of things. ;)

  10. Spaz

    Spaz Founding Member

    Looks like I need more practice on my knife skills. I'm going to through out my $200 cutting board and go get one like his.
  11. It's also pretty obvious that you should replace those silly kitchen knives with a good old axe. "CLEAN CUT"
  12. Taz575

    Taz575 Founding Member

    ****** did I just watch??? LOL. I watched 2 videos, not sure I can stand any more or not?
  13. so...a swedish knockoff of epic meal time? that wooden dowel sure cut that pineapple pretty cleanly ;)
  14. If it isn’t already, this Sh1t should definitely be made illegal! ;)

    My wife, the dog, my son and my granddaughter, and probably the neighbors, now think I am incurably insane. I laughed so hard for so long, I was in tear!

    Later Larry
  15. Old goodie. Meatloaf Mayhem

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