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Wet Shaving?

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by PierreRodrigue, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    Tried a straight razor today that used replaceable blades. NOT for me. Went right back to my little GEM in the middle of shaving. I don't get the appeal of the straight, but....to each their own. :)
  2. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    Depending on the disposable blade, it could be harsh as all get out. Like you said, to each their own! I enjoy using a straight on occasion because it is different and I sharpened the darn thing myself and people get a kick out of the strop, brush razor in the bathroom.
  3. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    I found it very awkward to hold. I think I went into it thinking there would be a performance improvement meaning Single Edge is better than cartridge so straight must be better than single edge. I didn't see it. Seemed like a lot of extra work for the same shave. Just not my thing. Others I suppose get a kick out of the esoterics.
  4. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    I'm mostly with you Wagner. I shave with a Feather AC normally but I pull out a DE when I'm not interested in the ritual. I also have a bunch of regular straights and kamisori, and really don't love them the way the straight razor community tried to convince me I would. They're honed well, some professionally and some by me, but they really aren't on the same level as a Kai or Feather blade in terms of ease of removing hair. That said, they work fine and produce a good shave, just not amazing. Some are quite pretty though, like my Jenes Sandor fixed blade:

    I also never got into brushes much. I've got a cheapie that works well enough. I thought I'd end up being a soap snob, but honestly I can shave as well with conditioner as I can with most of the "good" shave soaps I've tried. Never use aftershave. Rarely try oil, though I've used baby oil for cleanup passes.

    Would have been nice to be blown away by a non-disposable razor, but they are just not superior beard removers in my experience. I don't plan to give up my Iwasaki or Jenes or Cattaraugus, but they can't replace my Feather AC or EJ89.
  5. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    I may have gotten the best shave of my life yesterday with an old Superspeed, a Vulfix badger that may have cost $10 Gillette 7 O'Clock black and the mysterious puck of disgarded soap ends, mostly proraso and MWF. Was quite impressed. the blade was new and the stars aligned. I finished up with some Lilac Vegetal (still not sure if I'm chosen or not) and the girlfriend didn't hate the scent - she may have actually liked it.
  6. Birnando

    Birnando Founding Member

    Different strokes and all that, I suppose.
    To me, there is no real alternative to a proper straight razor.
    Be it disposable straights, DE's or SE's.
    They all deliver good shaves, but to me, the best shave I get is with one of my straight razors.

    I'm also a head shaver.
    Up there, the wider bevels of the proper straights make it the most comfortable and the quickest tool available.
    To me.
    Esoterics or not:)
  7. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    i get a closer shave with my SE's and DE's... i still like my antique straights better lol... dont think i can put into words why.. just do
  8. I started straight shaving two and a half years ago. I now mostly use a double edge and blades from Walmart. I use a straight every so often just to make sure I dont loose the ability to hone, strop and shave with a straight.
  9. Boris

    Boris Founding Member

    just got this in the mail on saturday

  10. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Looks good! I hope Butch doesn't mind if I say I had a minor hand in its design. :)
  11. How do I get started on this? I use the disposable 3 blade ones. Are these better for every day use? I have trouble with small cuts on my neck and ingrown hair etc
  12. Birnando

    Birnando Founding Member

    Head over to one of the shaving sites out there.
    You'll find all the info and help you would need.
    And yes, these are much better for every day use!
    straightrazorplace.com and theshaveden.com are a couple places to check out.
  13. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Like Badger and Blade?:like
  14. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Sounds familiar!
    Rami, if you need any help please don't hesitate to ask. We can get you sorted with some simple gear to let you get your feet(face) wet.
    Let me collect some links for a kit.

    Here you go- ..this will be a good quality kit that many men never change so its not a case of less then. You can always refine it later.
    http://www.westcoastshaving.com/Bad...r-Shaving-Brush-Matte-Blue-Handle_p_1707.html (sadly out of stock)
    Last edited: May 27, 2014
  15. Birnando

    Birnando Founding Member

  16. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Sheesh everyone is a critic! :p

    For a straight shave kit you can try a Whipped dog starter kits, a member on B&B which is a basic razor and strop, this is a very good way to start with a proven edge and a strop you wont cry over when you cut it stropping the 8th time you do.You still need brush and soap and aftershave.
  17. Birnando

    Birnando Founding Member

    Indeed, whipped dog has some really cheap razors that will give a decent shave.
    Just avoid the sight unseen deal.
    I've had way to many forumite-friends send me theirs to hopefully fix them up to a shaveable state.
    That was not always possible.
  18. Finding this thread interesting, always used the Gilette or Wilkinson cartridge type, the replacements are sooo expensive, might dip my toe into this new world:) Will probably be another wallet bashing rabbit hole like the knives/stones:D
  19. Birnando

    Birnando Founding Member

    It sure can be;)
    My wife will testify to that!
  20. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    I was going to say whipped sog and while I was typing got a notice more people posted and then Jim beat me to it...

    For DE, Life is good and a lot of what Jim linked is some nice stuff. The sky is the limit on how much you can spend. Don't get sucked into the hype. A lot of great products are inexpensive.

    I have DE's and straights and get a better shave with a DE. Shaving with a straight is a bit zen like and I save it for a ME day. :D

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