1. Take a look at our new AUCTION SYSTEM

    This service is available to all KKFora members to both Bid on and Auction off (Sell)items.
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  2. {Name}
    Welcome to the KKF!
    Please take a moment to register and stop by the New Member Check-In and say hello. We sincerely hope you enjoy your stay and the discussion of all things sharp.
    Feel free to jump right in on the conversation or make your own. We have an edge on life!
    Dismiss Notice
  3. Take a look at our new AUCTION SYSTEM

    This service is available to all KKFora members to both Bid on and Auction off (Sell)items.
    Dismiss Notice
  4. {Name}
    Welcome to the KKF!
    Please take a moment to register and stop by the New Member Check-In and say hello. We sincerely hope you enjoy your stay and the discussion of all things sharp.
    Feel free to jump right in on the conversation or make your own. We have an edge on life!
    Dismiss Notice


Discussion in 'New Member Check-In' started by Jim, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Christopher

    Christopher Founding Member

    Hey I recognize you, welcome :)
  2. WildBoar

    WildBoar Founding Member Contributor

    Hi, everyone. Looks like another place to kill a bit of time and spend some $$$ :cool:

    How do we non-vendors help support this site?
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  3. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Hello All
    Jim sent me.
    Is there a sharps box in here?

  4. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Welcome Mike, great to see you.... no nothing sharp here -except Ouch.
  5. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Hi David, great to see you here.
  6. erikz

    erikz Founding Member

    Itsa me, Erik...
  7. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  8. erikz

    erikz Founding Member

    Thanks Jim. Another place to burn some money!
  9. PierreRodrigue

    PierreRodrigue Tactical Walrus Founding Member

    Jim needs a new custom title! Old Curmudgeon needs to be "your friendly neighbourhood enabler"!
  10. Argonaut

    Argonaut People call me French sounding words Founding Member

    1. Wow, lots of new folks today. Welcome to all of ya!
  11. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    New faces! Be sure to introduce yourselves in a thread to yourself if you feel so inclined!
  12. tkern

    tkern Founding Member

    You wake up one day and revolution is in the air.
  13. PierreRodrigue

    PierreRodrigue Tactical Walrus Founding Member

    Good to see you! Welcome!
  14. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Holy moly thatsalotta memberships

    Welcome all, glad to meet those I havent nice to see those I have hope everyone is enjoying their time on the boards
  15. Crothcipt

    Crothcipt Founding Member

    Well looks like everyone form over there is here now
  16. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    People're pouring in. That's cool.
  17. Argonaut

    Argonaut People call me French sounding words Founding Member

    97 so far and only the third day. Gangbusters I tells ya!
  18. chinacats

    chinacats Founding Member

    Greetings folks. Step away for a bit and have to go find everyone when you return. Nice to see some familiar faces, looking forward to meeting others.
  19. Aphex

    Aphex Founding Member

    Just received the email from Will and Maxim and got a bit of a suprise about this place.

    How long has the new KKF been going?
  20. Jeffery Hunter

    Jeffery Hunter Founding Member

    Good Day all looking forward to more knife talk from some good people

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