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New Gesshin Coarse Stone...

Discussion in 'Japanese Knife Imports' started by JBroida, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

    Are you ready for #japaneseknifeimports newest stone? It fits between our Gesshin 220 and 400 speed-wise, but dishes less quickly than either... Gonna retail for $75 starting this coming week #gesshin #gesshinstones #toishi #arato #knifesharpening

  2. skiajl6297

    skiajl6297 Founding Member

    My 400 is wearing after some thinning projects. This sounds intriguing. Looking forward to this!
  3. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

    as a coarse stone, it still wears faster than my finishing stones, but its a pretty awesome stone all in all... i'll try to make a video of it in action soon. Its not quite as thick as the Gesshin 400 though.
  4. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

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