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What's Your Day Job?

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by Hattorichop, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. larrybard

    larrybard Founding Member

    Rami, I'm married to one too. (So you also have my condolences.)

    Lawyers -- or, at least their reputations -- being what they are, usually hard to convince anyone to marry one, except another lawyer.
  2. Well, my wife is a gentle human being. I don't envy her some of the c@#%p that she sometimes go through. You guys have my respect although to be fair there are some real dodgy ones.
  3. larrybard

    larrybard Founding Member

  4. turbo

    turbo Founding Member

    I'm an Executive Chef for BHG Hospitality Group. Don't get to use my knives as much as my very sharp pencil.
  5. yep.
  6. Birnando

    Birnando Founding Member

    I'm an electrician and electrical engineer by education.
    Worked as such for about 15 years.
    I then ventured in to the Audiovisual industry on a whim.
    Started a company with two other guys, old friends from my childhood.
    Things got big fast, and thru some strategic moves and selling parts of our shares to big-time investors, all of a suddenly we were part of a company employing 600 people.

    Pretty quick after that I sold all my stocks in the big company I once co-founded, got tired of all the corporate crap that comes with size.
    Nowadays I own and operate my own little company in the audiovisual industry with a likeminded former employee.
    Happy as can be with that, and we have absolutely no plans whatsoever to grow that business at all.
  7. went in, made your money and now enjoying your life, I applaud you sir. very few people do the first, and even fewer get out in time.
  8. I've cooked for a living since I was old enough to have a job. I made really good money catering for about 13 years but gave it up to get back on the line in a restaurant. The money in the restaurant really sucks, not to mention I'm waaaaaaay older than most of the guys/gals I'm cooking with.
    I have taken the summer off in order to care for my son & daughter. The cost to have both of them in daycare is greater than what I bring home in a week. I just don't see the point in working to not see my family. I also have my carpal tunnel surgery (FINALLY) coming up later this month, and several trips and vacations that the job never would've granted me.
    It's nice, but is very weird to not be working. My knives are all very sharp right now.
  9. Good luck with your surgery Chris...and enjoy the family time!

    As for myself, I'm President of two construction companies in Massachusetts. One focused on DOT highway and bridge work, the other on environmental clean up projects. I'd love to say that I use my engineering skills from college, or even my management training from grad school, but most days I split my time between chief firefighter and head babysitter.....
  10. hope you get better soon.
  11. Dream Burls

    Dream Burls Founding Member

    Was an architect a couple of lifetimes ago. Now I'm a part time wood pusher and full time PITA.
  12. Jay

    Jay No soup for you Founding Member

    Mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper. At least according to my wife.
  13. I work the line at once place, and prep at another. This is my graduate school some could say.
  14. Boris

    Boris Founding Member

    I run operations for an automotive accessories...we deal with stuff like TV's/DVD players for cars, radio's, back up sensors and things like that.
  15. mr drinky

    mr drinky Founding Member Gold Contributor

    I used to work abroad for international/government type organizations (UN, OSCE, State Dept, RTI) but I quit that life and have been raising my kids for some time now. I am eager to start working again, but with a 1 and 3 year old, that is still a couple of years down the road.

  16. My brother in law just left the UN after spending the last 10 years in Iraq and Israel. He wants to start a family so they brought him back to NYC. Didn't find that to his liking so he got out.
  17. WildBoar

    WildBoar Founding Member Contributor

    Civil/structural engineer. Part owner of a small engineering firm that speciailizes in building exteriors. Nice mix of desk work and outdoors, although these days the split leans heavily towards the desk. I get to work on lots of interesting buildings in the DC area.
  18. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Was working for a very large online retailer, but got tired of the politics associated with the job. Currently run my own online knife business, and am slowly learning how to make knives myself. Apart from that, I'm going to be heading back to school to finish my degree in mechanical engineering, and I'm sure I'll have a ton more projects to come. I also kid myself into thinking that I can be a professional disc golf player, and though I haven't won any money, it's a great excuse for me to go to Lake Tahoe a couple times a week. One must practice :)
  19. I ain't even gonna post...I feel so stupid reading all of these posts......my job sucks big time....I hate every part of it...I'm jus trying to save my pennies to do what my dream is....the dream every time I tell people about they say it's stupid.....nice family huh....at least not too many people are saying I'm wasting my life anymore....ohh well...ryan
  20. do what makes you happy.

    about people telling you it's stupid... my friends have a phrase ."ZFG" which is short for zero f given.

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