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Somethin Special Integral set of knives.

Discussion in 'HHH Custom Knives' started by HHH Knives, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Hello and good day to one and all. I started on a very special project this week and am pretty darn excited about it!
    As the title says its 3 Integral damascus kitchen knives!! :D This should be a great challenge and alot of fun!

    Ill post some in progress photos ASAP. Check back often as I will be posting pictures as I make these!

    Thanks and God Bless YA!
  2. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    im sure it will be nothing short of amazing... just remember we all hold you responsible for saliva damaged keyboards in photo threads
  3. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    OK. well Im glad to have some Keyboard insurance added to my policy! :)

    OK here are the first series of photos.

    These are damascus blades. Forged as close as Jr dare to size and shape. Then I took hold of them and started my part. I do not have a mill. and all of the stack removal was done by hand. Pretty proud of them so far really!

    Stay tuned for more images and updates. As always comments, questions etc. are welcome! intergral 001 (800x533).jpg intergral 003 (800x533).jpg intergral 004 (800x533).jpg intergral 005 (800x533).jpg intergral 009 (800x533).jpg
  4. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Sooooo....... Gyuto, Suji & Boner?
  5. SpiceOfLife

    SpiceOfLife Founding Member

    Thanks for the pics Randy, they look great. This seems like good news for my custom!

  6. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    :k Hey guys! They made it through HT. This part is a bit crazy and steel can and does weird stuff during the HT I am happy to report. all went well and my as quenched RC numbers were right where I like to see them!! There in the first of 2 temper cycles. Then I will continue grinding!! And get more pictures!!

    Yep Chef. you are right. Its a Gyuto, and Suji and a boning knife .
  7. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    :thxWAY cool, my brother, way cool!!!
  8. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Made great progress today. Snapped a few photos at the end of the day.

    The blades are ground and I tapered the tangs. and started shaping the bolsters.

    Wont be long now and I can etch them and get a good look at the damascus patterns.

    wip hackberry 023 (800x533).jpg wip hackberry 029 (800x533).jpg
  9. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Frickin' AWESOME!!!
  10. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Nothing new to show and tell today. Spent most of the day driving back and forth to the dentist and sitting in the chair there!

    I hope to get back to work on these tomorrow.
    God Bless YA
  11. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Some shots of todays progress. These are just SEXY. Is it normal for someone to think a knife is SEXY? I dont even care if its not. Im so JAZZED about this set I can hardly stand it!

    So today, Final grinds complete. bolsters are all shaped. everything is rounded and softened. Next its hand sanding and handle fit ups.

    Thanks for looking and God Bless

    wip and Damascus hunter 001 (800x361).jpg wip and Damascus hunter 006 (800x375).jpg wip and Damascus hunter 011 (800x534).jpg wip and Damascus hunter 012 (800x533).jpg wip and Damascus hunter 017 (800x533).jpg wip and Damascus hunter 018 (800x533).jpg wip and Damascus hunter 021 (800x527).jpg wip and Damascus hunter 026 (800x533).jpg
  12. SpiceOfLife

    SpiceOfLife Founding Member

    Do the bolsters flare out slightly near the bottom? Or is that just a trick of the light?

    They look very smooth and comfortable. Are you finding that integrals are more of a challenge?

  13. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Steve. Thanks man. The bolsters taper. thicker in the back and thinner to the front. So in a way, YES. yet the lighting and angles may make it look like they flair?

    These have been a HUGE challenge. and taken alot more time and work to get to this point then a standard full tang. Yet I have enjoyed the heck out of the process. and hope to be doing more of this style in the future.

  14. SpiceOfLife

    SpiceOfLife Founding Member

    They do look great. Can't wait to see more pics!

  15. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Today was a good day. I finally got to start on the handles. :)

    OK so I started out with some exceptional mammoth Ivory and 2 sets of killer musk ox horn. One set has a WILD eye for lack of a better way of describing it. It reminds me of the way a piece of wood looks where a small branch grew. Anyways here are some pictures of the progress today.


    After some shaping and drilling I got this.[​IMG]

    Top view of the fit up so far.[​IMG]

    On to the first musk ox scales.[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    NEXT!!! On to the last set. This stuff has a cool eye almost like a piece of wood. and its a horn. anyways. I chose to try and center this eye in the first pin.


    here are the 3 sets. rough shaped. drilled and ready for me to countersink. O didnt get photos of this but you will see the screws/corby fasteners in the next picture. I countersink into the scales and these attach then to the knife..[​IMG][​IMG]

    after some time I have all 3 rough shaped. and there starting to look good.[​IMG][​IMG]

    and the scales off the blades again so I can start etching the steel to reveal the damascus pattern.

    First the slicer.[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Next the Chef knife.[​IMG]


    And finally the Filet/boning knife


    Thats its for today. I hope to continue tomorrow! Thanks for looking and God Bless[​IMG]
  16. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    Dang, integral damascus with musk ox....who ever commissioned those is a baller. Nice set and execution.
  17. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    holy crap.
  18. Jeffery Hunter

    Jeffery Hunter Founding Member

    Absolutely amazing is what those are.
  19. Just! WOW!
  20. Just Beautiful!!

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