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The Biggest Balls on Earth (note, I didn't say brains).

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by CrisAnderson27, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. The gentleman you hear speaking is the pilot of the bike. His name is Guy Martin, and for anyone who knows superbike racing, that's all that needs said. Through a large part of this video, he's going over 200mph...the slowest sections are over 60mph. The video is somewhat deceptive in how smooth it is. For perspective it helps to remember that the camera is attached to the bike...so when you see the road surface literally vertical to the screen, that's an exact indicator of the position of the bike to the road.

    And here's a bit more dramatic video that shows what these guys are actually doing. Check out 3:39. Seriously.

    Honestly though...I ride a supersport, and I've been over 180mph. In a STRAIGHT LINE. Steering is precise. Lane changes require little more than thinking about it. The bikes are so incredibly stable and predictable at those speeds, that the asphalt could literally disappear for 10', and you'd never know it was gone. It takes a hell of a lot to upset them, but once they're upset, it's pretty much over lol.

    I couldn't imagine those speeds through anything resembling a turn...
  2. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    One day I want to go. This is my favorite video, of all videos ever made of anything, I watch it over and over and over. My cousin races and manages a race team. I'd like to go with him since I'm pretty much a noob to motorcycle racing.

  3. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    i was always impartial to ghost riders uppsala run

  4. Lol! As a biker...I believe guys like that need to be beat down...but it definitely takes some guts. He's doing about 185mph tops through traffic.
  5. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    True. I hate lane splitters.
  6. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  7. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    Chris, what do you ride?
  8. I love my bike, and I track day it on occasion...but yeah, those superbike guys are nuts.

    As for the guy in traffic, the level of stupidity there isn't as bad as most people think. Yes, he's endangering others, which is why he needs beat down...just like any person racing any vehicle through traffic. Personal safety wise though, he's absolutely safer going faster than traffic...than he is at the speed limit...and the faster the safer, to a point (on the freeway, of course). People don't react to vehicles overtaking them quickly...until after they're past...and when you're going that fast, everyone else is moving in slow motion...literally. Judging what the traffic will do next is really pretty easy. That's why the majority of motorcycle/car accidents occur on surface streets when the car pulls out in front of the bike. The rider simply can't react in time.

    2006 Triumph Daytona 675 :).

    My girl:



    I actually traded it awhile back...for a car project to do with my kids. This coming tax season I'm looking to get a 2011 or newer though.
  9. [​IMG]

    One more, just because :D
  10. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    Nice. No sport bikes for me. Too much gut on my frame. I've got two Moto Guzzis but spend so much time chauffeuring my 8 year old around I hardly ever ride anymore. I need a side car.
  11. apathetic

    apathetic Founding Member

    This ghost rider video reminded me of 'Prince noir' the guy who went around Paris in 11mn.
  12. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    its part of a series... they are pretty sure all the guys qho play ghostrider are professional racers and stuntman, and as i understand it euro traffic is a lot nicer then north american traffic to people on motorcycles lol
  13. William Catcheside

    William Catcheside Founding Member

    My everyday transport, ( Only way I can justify having a decent bike). Its actually an incredibly practical road bike, if you forget about rear tyre use, we wont talk about that:eek:

    2008 cbr1000rr Fire-blade.


    Recent detour around the peak district when up north for a wedding.... On my way to the Snake Pass at about 6 am.


    The infamous Cat and fiddle road from Buxton to Macclesfield now pretty much ruined however by rear facing average speed cameras every mile or so. Had to stop here and kick my tyres for a while, ahem ;)



    I was booked to go to the NW200 this year but unfortunately moving workshop got in the way. Maybe next year. The Irish road races look excellent value compared to the Isle of Man TT, but would love to go one day. I believe the lap record in 2013 was set on a standard Blade, Only the springs uprated to survive the course and standard power mods. Was beaten this year by Bruce amnesty on a properly race tweaked blade.:D
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2014
  14. William Catcheside

    William Catcheside Founding Member

    Probably my fave clip from the Irish road races, Martin on Dunlop at the Ulster GP. I recon Dunlop will be hard to beat in future years of the TT, he's gone from one of the most hedgerow bouncing, committed and ruthless racers out there to a much more considered flavour of lunacy. He's really come on form. This is back in 2012.......
  15. I knew there was a reason I liked you Will!! I put almost 40k miles (64373.76 kilometers) on my Daytona in a year and a half lol. Any man who rides his bike daily is a man I respect :D!

    ETA~ That video is freakin awesome lol!
  16. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    40 thousand? that's 40 not 4 right?
    good lord that is a lot of riding!
    I drive maybe 6 or 7 in a year.

    I guess If I had something I really enjoyed I would drive a lot more.
    Ya don't typically want to "just cruise" in a Kia :k
  17. 40,000 miles lol, it was actually like 38,900 or the like. I live in Glendale (West Phoenix), and worked in Scottsdale (East Phoenix)...my one way commute was over 50 miles. Add to that for a large portion of the time I was dating a girl who lived 160 miles away in Tucson...and the mileage added up pretty quickly.
  18. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    I guess when they're that big you can use them as training wheels.
  19. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

  20. That thing's freakin awesome Mike! I'm going to be building a rat bike next year I think...something based on a 60's or 70's Triumph frame, and wicked dirty just because, lol.

    This is the general idea.

    Lucretia...I'm thinking more along the lines of ballast than training wheels, lol. Training wheels might be a little uncomfortable at 200mph :p.

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