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Does This Qualify...

Discussion in 'CJA Edged Art / Scorpion Forge' started by CrisAnderson27, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. For the ugliest kitchen knife on the planet??

    Well, maybe not the ugliest...but the most useless anyhow, lol. It's flat ground on a taper, and I'd have to get it out of storage to take a look...but I think it's literally like .080" (between 1-2mm) behind the edge (check out 0:31 in the video lol), and is convexed from there like a hatchet...no joke. I honestly thought it was thin at the time (c'mon!...I was making swords!!)...and was inordinately proud of it lol. This knife is EVIL. When I was forging it out it put a rather large hole in my face, then decided to crack in five places during heat treat. I managed to save it, re heat treated it, and continued to use the thing. Later when using it to cut a spaghetti squash in half, I ended up sticking it through my left hand (you try cutting a spaghetti squash in half with a pointy hatchet!). The only part of the damn thing that worked right WAS the point!

    Anyhow...I was just going through my YouTube and thought I'd share in the hilarity that was my first ever attempt at a kitchen knife.

  2. chefcomesback

    chefcomesback Founding Member

    I don't think it qualifies for that , it was your first knife and even you don't like it the profile is definitely yours. There are lot of companies or makers they have been in the business for a while and some of the stuff they come up with is not prettier than this
  3. First kitchen knife, yes lol. And yeah, there's definite similarities in the aesthetic :). I'll have to go dig it out of storage this week and see how it compares to my little gyuto-hiki I made awhile back...which is similarly sized. I think 'boarding axe' will just about cover it!
  4. It's sure got a story. I had a little laugh at the squash part.
  5. larrybard

    larrybard Founding Member

    I seriously winced at the squash part. But I'd be surprised if every knife maker didn't have at least one similar story about one of their first knives leaving much to be desired (particularly with hindsight), if not a disaster. Part of the learning process. And look at how far you've come.
  6. [​IMG]

    Ya think?! There was blood running in a stream off my face into a puddle on the concrete while I was waiting for my boys mom to get paper towels for me. When I finally got it to stop bleeding (took forever) and got it super glued up, I got a look at my clothes...and was like...wow. My entire shirt and all down my shorts were saturated. It was a freakin mess lol. If it hadn't been for my safety glasses, it would have taken my eye.

    I tried to take a picture of my hand after the squash incident...but ended up super glueing (insta stitches!) my phone to my fingers...and so, was a bit preoccupied.

    No, I'm not kidding.
  7. larrybard

    larrybard Founding Member

    That's one unhappy picture. Understandable. Including how, at the time, you were unable to laugh at super gluing your phone to your fingers. (Hope you see the humor in that now.)
  8. Lol...I see the humor in all of it...I'm a pretty resilient guy when it comes to adversity :p. If I held a grudge every time I damaged myself doing something I enjoyed...I'd hate the world lol.

    Told you every one of these knives takes a piece of me...and it all started with this one, lol.
  9. daveb

    daveb Founding Member

    Mark it $700 and take $500. Look for the guy with the Gucci clogs and the Starbucks cup.
  10. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  11. Definitely!!

    I wouldn't give this thing to my worst enemy my friend, lol. Well, maybe my worst enemy...but not someone I actually like or respect :p.

    Seriously...it's a mean spirited SOB!
  12. You know what, it's a very cool display pieces. I will take it.
  13. Your definition of ugly is pretty strange Cris. I bet if you have it your magic touch now it'd be a pretty ok knife :)

    This reminds me though, you gotta start doing those wa handles with the curve again! I think it looks too good when you do that.
  14. Can I have some pictures of those please?!
  15. This one isn't for sale my friend...lol. I'm not kidding, it's not a friendly piece of steel :p.

    Now you're just being nice man, lol. I thought about regrinding it, honestly...in a way though, it's kind of cool to remember where I came from...so it'll likely stay where it is :D.

    Ask and you shall receive my friend!


    I tried that handle on a knife with a more squared off choil (typical of most kitchen blades), and it looked like crap. I think the style would only work on knives with a long sweeping choil.

    Like mine :D
  16. Oh and Don? There will be at least one or two coming up here soon :D
  17. People will be very impressed by the evil blade quenched in blood, that almost killed its maker. Very lord of the rings. Just need an unpronounceable name.
  18. Awesome man, I always thought it looked great with your knives. The large radius choil is just begging for the handle counterbalance :)
  19. Yep! I always liked it...but a lot of guys I talk to like the unbalanced look of a simple wa handle...so it's probably going to be a niche thing. I took a picture awhile back for Son, of my last ko-gyuto dressed in that 2x4 pine test handle...looking all beat up and 100 years old...I'll see if I can dig it up and post it, lol.
  20. [​IMG]

    Keep in mind the handle was never meant to fit this knife, lol...the line of the spine is wrong and the machi is too large, etc. But the overall lines are pretty cool I think :). When I send out my own knife for the KKFa passaround...it's going to have a handle like this on it. Out of better wood of course lol.

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