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Catch of the day

Discussion in 'The Great Outdoors' started by WarrenB, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Holy Carp!
    Sorry I couldn't help it.............
  2. Ha ha very good:D I said a lot more than that when the big one slid in the net!! it went in the reeds and lily pads trying to get away, was actually quite a battle to get it on the bank and then it was still trying to work me over as I was unhooking it and getting the pics taken, tail slapped me a few times and narrowly missed the crown jewels with it's big old paddle:D
  3. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    I know you catch and release Warren, but he looks like a tour though the smoker would make him mighty tasty..
  4. Andre

    Andre Founding Member

    That is a huge carp! What does the bone structure inside those guys look like? Pin bones etc? I don't have much freshwater experience.
  5. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    Back where I'm from near Chicago carp are not often eatten. It was something like "catch anything?"...."nah, just a couple carp". They are often put in retention ponds to keep them somewhat clean.
  6. daveb

    daveb Founding Member

    Bugle Mouth Bass is what my redneck buddies call them. Don't know of anyone that even knows anyone that's ever tried to eat one.
  7. Never eaten one but there are a few people that have come to the UK(wont get in to what nationalities) that will poach them from rivers and sometimes private lakes and take them to cook, so it's either because they taste good or they are big enough to feed a family for a while or maybe both. There have been some thefts from fishing lakes over the years as some of the big old carp can be worth £1000's
  8. Why? Here in oz they are a pest.
  9. people were paying for them to be stolen so they can stock there own ponds and lakes, some of the big ones are actually tagged, as a rough idea a 30lb carp bought from a legitimate supplier could cost around £2000-£3000 depending on scale pattern, colour etc. Carp fishing is huge in the UK but I guess different species are pests in different parts of the world
  10. We need to export you some. Why? Obviously not for the looks.
  11. i meant to say why are they worth so much?
  12. Not really sure, think it's because keeping a carp healthy and to 30lb+ isn't easy and carp fishing is so big over here, a lot of the well known fish even have names and people will spend months and even years trying to get one particular fish.
  13. Been out pretty much every night after work and fishing from land the last 2 weeks.

    Today i cought a smal pike on 2kg..

    here is a few other from the other days.
  14. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  15. Been out fishing alot lately [​IMG] Alot of nice fish. We cought about 15 Perch's 1 pike and a nice 2.4kg zander the other day. A few had to follow us back home [​IMG]


    Another great day today. Fishing for 2 hours. I cought six more perch around 0.7-0.8 kg and a ugly one i tought was a zander until i saw the carp bream, was a fun fight thou on the ultra light rod :p



  16. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  17. Christopher

    Christopher Founding Member

    This thread really makes me hungry :)

    great catches guys and gals :cool1

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