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Catch of the day

Discussion in 'The Great Outdoors' started by WarrenB, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Jealous. Perch are one of the most delicious fish out there.
  2. another day out 15 perch from 0.5kg up to 0.8kg and two zanders. all about the catch and release today since we already have alot from friday.
  3. The Perch fishing is alot of fun. around 20 of them today. here is two


  4. Indeed the bigger Perch are very fun to catch, thay give a good fight on light rod.
  5. Yep, great fun catching them on a light spinning rod and small reel, a lot of the private lakes over here open up for predator fishing over the winter so it's time to try and get a few Pike and Perch soon

  6. Make sure to post them :)
  7. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  8. Managed to get a day of fishing in today:)

    Unfortunately we picked a cold wet miserable day for it!!

    This was our home for the day, you can see my friend having one of his customary fishing naps:D


    And all I ended up with was this little Pike:confused:
  9. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  10. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  11. Just the one carp today, 14lb 5oz/6.5kg

    It put up quite a scrap for it's size, when I looked at it's tail I found out why!! Huge tail for a fish this size!!

    Very windy today and a bit of rain so the the shelter got an outing
  12. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  13. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Nice Warren. Are you firing up the smoker?
  14. Really thought it was at least 5 or 6 lbs heavier when it was ripping line off the reel!!

    All catch and release, the lake owner would chuck us out if we dropped one on the floor let alone cook it:D
  15. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Ah. I know your angling rights are cherished deeply over there. So don't risk it!

    I've been surprised by big carp like that when paddling through the shallows. Occasionally I'd run on top of one apparently startling us both, as he'd move the canoe quite violently as he moved away.
  16. Yep it's pretty serious over here with regards to fish welfare, might sound a bit silly but on some lakes it's a requirement to have to have fish antiseptic to put over the spot where the hook comes out if it bleeds or if a scale comes off etc!! Some of these fish are worth a fortune though!!
    There are plenty of trout and salmon rivers and lakes where you can take home what you catch up to a certain limit, so there is still a choice of catch and release or dinner over here:D

    The biggest carp I caught was 31lb 4oz/14.2kg, didn't really fight but was just a heavy weight on the line, when one of the big 20lb+ 0nes wants to go on a run you just hang on really until it gets tired, but you can feel the power those big tails produce:)
  17. Jeffery Hunter

    Jeffery Hunter Founding Member

    14 Kg!!! That is a large carp my friend. I should have some good stuff for this thread when I see my family on Haida Gwaai this summer. Most of the tourist fishing there is going catch and release but the host lodge will compensate the guest with commercial caught fish of the same variety. I however will cook, cure, and smoke what I manage to catch while there.
  18. had to google Haida Gwaii, what a place to visit!! looks beautiful:)

    This is a very bad pic of the 14.2kg carp, back before digital cameras took good pictures:D

    second biggest at 25.5lb/11.5kg, the one in my avatar. Actually caught it twice in the same day!!

    and 3rd biggest at 22lb/10kg

    You can see the beard getting greyer over the years as the pics are in date order:D

    Doing a 36 hour trip on the 20th/21st, a lot of the big fish get caught at night so fingers crossed!!

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