1. Take a look at our new AUCTION SYSTEM

    This service is available to all KKFora members to both Bid on and Auction off (Sell)items.
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  3. Take a look at our new AUCTION SYSTEM

    This service is available to all KKFora members to both Bid on and Auction off (Sell)items.
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  4. {Name}
    Welcome to the KKF!
    Please take a moment to register and stop by the New Member Check-In and say hello. We sincerely hope you enjoy your stay and the discussion of all things sharp.
    Feel free to jump right in on the conversation or make your own. We have an edge on life!
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INFO POST Auctions- how to create and bid on them. A KKFora Primer

Discussion in 'The Kitchen Knife' started by Jim, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    We have some really big news for the KKFora as well as the custom knife community at large!

    We are delighted to announce that the KKFora now has new software to run Auctions right here on the KKFora! This proprietary software will allow our Vendors/Pro-Craftsmen and membership in general the opportunity to list and bid on AUCTIONS right here on the KKFora.

    We are excited to bring this unique and powerful selling tool to you . The auction software is easy to use and provides all the tools you will need to sell one- off pieces and/or a run of identical items. You control the entire process starting with listing the item through to collecting the monies from the winning bidder. The process is almost identical to creating a new forum thread.

    For our members it is an opportunity to bid on knives you may never have had the access and opportunity to buy before and a way to sell your rare or unusual items at market price with little expense.
    Lets take a look at how to do it-

    If you want to sell an item by Auction start here- If you want to just bid on an auction skip to the next step.

    number 0 or first.png
    First step purchase.png KKFORA AUCTIONS #1.png KKFAuctions #2edit.png

    Ok so you just want to bid on an Auction!
    KKFORA AUCTIONS #3.png KKFORA auctions #4.png

    Thats about it! you need do nothing just to bid, if you wish to post an auction you need a subscription that costs 5.00$ .
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  2. larrybard

    larrybard Founding Member

    How is the bidding process similar to, or different from, typical eBay auctions? For example, is the current high bid displayed? Are there minimal specified bidding increments? If someone submits a new bid in excess of someone else's current high bid, is the new bid shown, or only the next bid increment over the prior high bidder's amount?
  3. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    There is no automatic bidding, you place your bid and that bid is shown displayed and the next highest bidder can simply go 1.00 higher. Super simple and it is most like a real auction- just on line. Over time we may be able to add additional functionality to address any concerns.:cool1
  4. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    Extra extra cool! :like
  5. skiajl6297

    skiajl6297 Founding Member

    This is super cool - thanks!
  6. larrybard

    larrybard Founding Member

    Jim, I think the auction feature is terrific. However, as I understand it, if the current bid is on a particular knife is, for example, $250, and I am actually willing to buy it for up to $400, then as you have explained it I could submit a bid for as little as $251, and hope to get it for that (while taking the risk that I might be outbid, even at the last minute, and miss out on the knife), or instead submit a bid for $400 -- and run the risk that I am paying $400 for a knife that I might have in fact been able to purchase for as little as $251 (if I had bid that and not been outbid).

    Brings to mind the reason why sniping services have become so popular for eBay auctions -- though there one is protected against in a sense overpaying in excess of the highest bid of any competitor.
  7. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    You understand it correctly.
    Each time you are outbid you will receive a notice via PM alerting you of the outbid. One cool thing is within that PM you can place your bid, so no need to go back to the auction to do it.
  8. Christopher

    Christopher Founding Member

    What's the high bid so far? .......i'll go $1 higher :p
  9. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  10. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  11. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Is there anyway to check and see what the bids are on an item that I have posted?
  12. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    You can't see who bid but you can see how many bids you have. If you click on the auction link it's on the main page.

    Is this what you mean?

    Auctions | The Kitchen Knife Fora 2015-07-08 20-03-35.png
  13. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    I have been following that...... was just wondering on the $ amount bid...... no biggie, thanks. :cool:
  14. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    There are no automatic bids if that's what you are wondering. Whatever is listed as Price is the amount bid.
    It's more like a real life auction! Folks do get a PM when they are outbid so they can jump right back in and raise the bid.
  15. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  16. marc4pt0

    marc4pt0 Founding Member

    I keep checking, and have contemplated giving it a whirl.
    I just wished you could look back at past auctions, sort of a history record to look at.
  17. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    This is a feature that will be considered. Thanks for the input!

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