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Weird food

Discussion in 'Food and Drink' started by Rami, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. Well, I love eating and I love eating unusual foods. So was wondering if anyone is the same. And what have you tried? Maybe I can then go off and look for it:)
  2. Search for a bat soup. The weirdest thing I've ever saw (and I saw it only on pictures… and it was more then enough for me) :D
  3. Not really what I had in mind. But keep them coming
  4. apathetic

    apathetic Founding Member

    Maybe kangaroo? :p

    More seriously, I don't think there is much that could be unusual for this forum. The only one I can think of that I've already eaten is snake, and then again...
    Another one I want to try is kudu, I heard it very nice
  5. We get kangaroo steak at the supermarket here. Bit tough. Never tried snake, would like to. Where did you get it?
    Emu is nice haven't had croc yet. Maybe up north.

    Kudu/antelope is very nice. Only had it once ages ago.
  6. apathetic

    apathetic Founding Member

    Had it in China, but out of curiosity I looked it up and found an online shop that sells snake meat here in the UK. So it should be easily available if you want to try it. Time to look for Kudu :)
  7. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    I do!!!!

    I was a fussy eater as a kid, now I go out of my way to try new and different things. Of course weird is subjective. For my friends foie gras would be over the top LOL.

    Duck in a Can is weird but nothing about the ingredients themselves is. Loved it. Pickled venison tongue was delicious. I had kangaroo carpaccio in Atlanta once. It was wonderful.

    Read the book Unmentionable Cuisine. You'll be inspired.
  8. Now we are talking. Will look that one up. Yea I like to try different food.
  9. Mrmnms

    Mrmnms Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Pretty weird for me. I traded with a knife maker pen pal from South Africa . Been in the deep freeze . image.jpg
  10. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    I've been trying to get my hands on some alpaca. Lots of alpaca farms in this area but none will sell for meat. I know a couple of online places though.

    I am also curious about raccoon and possum which i could easily bag off my front porch but I'm not confident in my ability to dress one.
  11. Biltong is starting to take off here in oz. best fishing snack. If you have solid teeth.
  12. BathonUk

    BathonUk Founding Member

    A region in Poland where I come from is Silesia. In Silesia, during War Wars, were living Polish, German, Chech and other people. We even have some kind of our language which is mix of Polish, German and Chech. So this region was very rich mostly because of mining resources. My dad made me once a traditional miners soup which is called ''Wodzionka''. ''Woda'' in Polish means water so it's water soup. Take stale bread, clove garlic, animal fat, salt and pepper and pour in it boiling water. It's simple and you may think that it's not good but try it:D
  13. mr drinky

    mr drinky Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Some things I tried in the past don't seem so strange any more: goat tongue sandwich (Syria) for instance. One of the strangest things I have tried was termites in Belize. They were so good, and I still crave them today. They just had this beautiful herbal pop to them -- kind of like herbal caviar. I just had camel milk and camel burger in Morocco. It wasn't that odd, but availability is a bit low in the US ;) When I lived in Yemen, there was an absolutely disgusting dish called Salta that was a stew that should have been tasty, but they frothed some fenugreek mixture on top that literally would make me gag and vomit in my mouth. They would then give the 'guests' the best part of the the goat (read: organ meat) to go with the salta. I have never been so happy to eat goat stomach.

  14. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    I didn't have it, but my granny used to tell a story about roasting a monkey. Said she couldn't eat it because it looked too much like roasting a baby.

    Sweet pickles with peanut butter on them are not too bad, and if you eat them in front of a drunk you can make them really queasy!
  15. Mrmnms

    Mrmnms Founding Member Gold Contributor

    He told they give biltong to teething babies. Lol
  16. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    This I gotta try. I hope the pickles and PB are worth it.
  17. Tough babies.
  18. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    Just went back to a Korean place in Campsie tonight. They have one typical Korean dish that probably only a handful of place would serve up in Sydney. The dish is a raw crab that has been cured, marinated, or fermented in vinegar/soy. It is pretty tasty though, but probably not everyone's typical raw food dish.
  19. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    Sounds awesome!
  20. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

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