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Out of the Shop!

Discussion in 'CJA Edged Art / Scorpion Forge' started by CrisAnderson27, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Hey there guys and gals!

    I thought I'd give a quick update, since I haven't been posting a whole lot in the last week or two. I managed to get something in my eye sometime around two weeks ago. It was irritating but nothing major, so instead of taking two days off and letting it go away, I kept working. Now, before there's any major concern, I'm totally fine. I just ended up having to take my contacts out last week (I'm blind as a freakin bat without them), and was working with glasses. The problem was that the dust and whatnot in the shop still wasn't letting things heal up. Its been about four days since I've done much, and things are tremendously better now. I should be back to full duty here in a few days :).

    Anyhow...thanks for understanding! I'd have absolutely updated earlier, but I kept thinking it would heal more quickly than it did, and before I knew it twoish weeks had gone by!
  2. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  3. WildBoar

    WildBoar Founding Member Contributor

    Cris, glad you are doing okay. But in the future please take something like that very seriously. An infection can quickly ensure you lose part of your vision. An eye doc will ensure the embedded material is quickly and fully removed and get you appropriate eye drops that will fight infection; you would likely be all healed up in just a few days. Eyes heal amazingly quick, but they can also go south quick -- to the point where it is too late to save one.
  4. larrybard

    larrybard Founding Member

    Glad you seem to be okay now. I sometimes wear contacts -- can see far better with them than with glasses -- but I never wear contacts when I think I will encounter dust. Suggest you get accustomed to instead wearing glasses and safety goggles when you're working in the shop.
  5. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    Not fun getting your eye drilled for a rust ring from a foreign body embedded. BTDT. Good luck man.
  6. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Take care, hope your vision is back to normal!
  7. apathetic

    apathetic Founding Member

    I'll second that!
  8. Thanks everyone! Things are pretty squared up now, and I was back in the shop cleaning up my various messes today. Tomorrow should be back to work as usual!

    On the vision front, I don't really even know for sure something was in it. Every once in awhile one or the other of my eyes will become irritated, and if I push it for very long it bites me back. Since I had some things I was trying to get done, I pushed it too far. I've definitely learned to be more careful as I've got older, but sometimes my sense of responsibility overrides my common sense. I try to keep that kind of thing to a minimum though, lol.

  9. WildBoar

    WildBoar Founding Member Contributor

    being a guy =/= common sense :D
  10. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Glad you're back, brother Cris, don't ever take your health for granted. This, of course, from a survivor of three heart attacks and two open heart surgeries. Did I mention: I LOVE BACON!!! :p
  11. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Hope all is going well. Been a long weekend not hearing from you!
  12. Sorry for the delay in reply guys...it's been a really rough few days. I got out of town for the weekend with family which was nice...but my cell phone was stolen yesterday afternoon, which isn't.

    The good news though is that my eye is better.

  13. apathetic

    apathetic Founding Member

    Sorry to hear about your phone, hate it when it happens!
  14. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    A pox upon the cell phone thief!

    At least you're prepared for Halloween if you've got an eyepatch--Pirate Cris!

    Glad you're doing better.
  15. Arrggghhh!
  16. Aaarrrrgh is right!

    What a month October's been, lol.

    Oh, and turned 40 too, go figure!
  17. Yay! Nice to see you back Cris!
    Take care
  18. Thanks Anton! Hopefully its on a more consistent basis. This last month was more work than work!

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