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Cooking Tips From The Worlds Number One Chef

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by James, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Im going to try this recipe this weekend, can I use someones kitchen ?
  2. PierreRodrigue

    PierreRodrigue Tactical Walrus Founding Member

    Hahaha! I love the Swedish Chef!
  3. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Me too, I should have signed up as him lol
  4. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Personally I prefer a machete to a battle axe.
  5. Andre

    Andre Founding Member

    I love my machete. I have banana stands. Can't have one without the other.
  6. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

  7. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

  8. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    The popcorn shrimp sketch is probably my favorite.
  9. I love the Swedish Chef. By far my favorite Muppet. We have the first two seasons on DVD and it one of my favorite sketches. The popcorn shrimp sketch has some great knife sharpening technique in it. :like
  10. apicius9

    apicius9 Founding Member

    Definitely a great chef. Interestingly, in the German dubbed Versions he is called the Danish chef, no idea why...

  11. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

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