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270mm W2 Sujihiki!

Discussion in 'CJA Edged Art / Scorpion Forge' started by CrisAnderson27, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. I sure hope it is. It looks fantastic. I think I get in next Tuesday morning so hopefully I can catch it before you ship it off.
  2. Yep! I'll be finishing the polish on the 310 suji today and tomorrow as well...so you'll see it before it's mailed also :).
  3. 20141210_013151.jpg
    Redwood burl...bog oak...musk ox horn...and nickel silver :).
  4. 20141210_114616.jpg
    Squared up...

    Corners cut off with a new 40 grit belt. If you use ANYTHING less than a brand new belt...the musk ox horn burns...and burns deep.

    Run through the grits to 1000 on a VERY...VERYVERYVERY slow moving belt. Again...if you breathe hard on that horn...its crispified. Once the belts were done...I went over it with steel wool to knock the corners down and even out the scratch pattern on metal, wood, and horn.

    First coat of oil. The oil brings out the color and depth of the wood. On some woods, its unnecessary...others require it. As you can see...this absolutely required it.

    Anyhow...about 20 more coats of oil...with an hour plus cure time in between lol...and the knife will be assembled and sent off to Mr. Maxy. Maybe he'll be kibd enough to give us pictures of him carving his Christmas ham with it :D.
  5. apicius9

    apicius9 Founding Member

    Thanks for showing. Just wondering: The redwood is stabilized, right? 20 coats of oil seems quite a lot in that case. Any reason for that? Does the horn benefit from that?

  6. Thanks Stefan :).

    20 coats was a bit of an exaggeration lol. I usually put however many it gets until I run out of patience. I've found with tru-oil that the more patient you are though, the more coats it gets...and the more beautiful the results.
  7. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Yowza! That's going to be some kind of beautiful knife.
  8. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Absolutely stunning!
  9. So you're saying Cris, that I need to cook something........use a beautiful knife to slice it....and take pictures?????

    I think I can do that :D
  10. Yes sir, that would do nicely!
  11. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  12. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    sexy handle
  13. 20141210_195951.jpg 20141210_200027.jpg
    Rough fit.

    20141210_200120.jpg 20141210_200104.jpg 20141210_200117.jpg

    Anyhow, it all went together well. I even got the handle mounted and sealed tonight. Tomorrow it's final pictures, a few measurements for my notes...and off to Neal it goes!
  14. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    that is the unholy grail
  15. Lol, thanks man! I'm guessing that's good right??

  16. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    yeah i dunno if its good or bad but i thought it sounded awesome. that is freaking sweet!
  17. Final pictures!

    20141212_111632.jpg 20141212_111649.jpg 20141212_111722.jpg 20141212_111733.jpg 20141212_111747.jpg 20141212_111803.jpg 20141212_111821.jpg 20141212_111846.jpg

    Attached Files:

  18. Stupendous Cris...can't wait to try it out!
  19. OK! as promised....the knife performed beautifully. (sorry for the cell phone pics)




  20. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Amazing knife! And beautiful food! Thank you both for sharing!

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