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I'm not expecting much...

Discussion in 'The Kitchen Knife' started by John Fout, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    I want more single beveled knives to play with and I must admit after a few bourbons and beers on Christmas I hit the buy it now button on this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/231342570507

    I'm not expecting much as I sober up and think of knives to come...

    I mean it is mystery carbon steel... But I expect it to be around the same F&F of a Tojiro ITK and I can make my 240 double bevel sing on a stone within reach of a towel to keep it dry... But I digress.

    Anyone have any experience with unnamed blade?! Yeah, I thought so.

    I would love to give more feedback but my country club is about to shut down for a month or two as we remodel the kitchen and entire clubhouse... I hope we get the occasional salmon side to fabricate for a party or something...

    This won't be my first single bevel. I have a Gesshin Moirashi Deba that I use to slay a few hundred pounds of salmon at a time. It is white steel #2 I believe and I love the way it makes the rib bones pop when sharpened above a Shapton 8k... When it is dull I can really tell when going through those whole 14#+ salmon.

    Ohwell. Single bevel play time is coming!
  2. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    I predict it will be better than you expect. It came from Blueway after all
  3. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    That was one thought and one reason I went with it.
  4. Looks like a Tojiro White #2 yanagiba to me.
    Price is just about the same.
    Have just ordered the 165mm santoku in the same steel. :)
  5. bieniek

    bieniek Founding Member

    I would not be so enthusiastic about the blueway.

    I speak as a customer of his and as a man who fixed some of the blades sold by him.

    Of 5 or 6 blades Ive seen - talking singles - half of them had some major issues. I say major QC problems.
    One yanagi badly bent, mine 270 had some funky backside grind, was straight enough for it to work properly - and that was a 200 dollars.
    I also did sharpening on a yanagi for apathetic, 270 or 300, cant remember, I dont remember anything badly wrong with it apart from the feeling of cheapness. Kind of the balance being wrong or something. Not like his 33 kato yanagi hahaha
    You are sure to get what you paid for.
  6. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    The handle is small and I could have done without the kanji burned into it. It did what I wanted it to do today after some buffing on a Takashima koppa. Blade road looked to be decent but I'll find out more once I really sharpen it. So far its been worth the $55 I paid for it after shipping. :D
  7. bieniek

    bieniek Founding Member

    Its not about how it can perform once or twice, more about how its made so to handle years of service.
    You ever seen more than three blades made in Japan that would not sharpen properly??

    Update when you raise shinogi.
  8. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    I will probably give it a good go at the stones Tuesday.
  9. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    keep the 55 dollar yanagi and pass on the 200 dollar natural stone please.
  10. chinacats

    chinacats Founding Member


    I would likely suggest the opposite.

  11. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    i was saying to pass the stone to me! hahaha, after a reread of how I wrote that, I would likely suggest the opposite too! I wouldn't suggest using a 55 dollar yanagi ever.
  12. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    Its pulling its weight pretty well for portioning protein. All I use it for. Only gripe so far is the small handle.

    If I break the 2bill mark on a stone I probably won't let it go but I don't let go of much ;)
  13. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    i was only joking anyways :D
  14. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    Took it to the stones the other day. There was an overground spot near the heel but it will be out in another sharpening or two. The back of the blade is slightly uglier but I don't know the right words to describe it. The concave section isn't elliptical, it has some uneven sides near the spine.

    I tournee cut some apple cores as a test and it went right through super smooth. I was also able to cut paper thin apple peels off the apple first.

    Still happy with the purchase and ready for more single bevels in a variety if sizes.

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