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Recommendation for Deba Size?

Discussion in 'The Kitchen Knife' started by Wagner the Wehrwolf, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    I'm having a hard time figuring out what size deba to get. Fish work would be at home not at work so I can't see prepping any fish over 18". At least not for quite a while in my kitchen. 180? 210? Something else?

    Guidance greatly appreciated.
  2. I'd stay 180 or smaller.
  3. daveb

    daveb Founding Member

    I have Deba in 165 and 210. The 165 has never felt to small for a task, especially with fish I catch locally. With bigger (usually store bought) fish the 210 can be a little easier. If I was to have only 1 it would be a 180.
  4. bieniek

    bieniek Founding Member

    Unless you really really often work on arctic char or something similarly delicate for which I would recommend flexible filleter anyway, then the home size is, imho, 180.
    The 165 Dave mentioned might be a really good choice too.

    Hide debas are sexy... ;)
    So are Shigs and Masamotos. And Suisins. And some others.

    What are you looking at?
  5. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    For home cook, 165 or 180. For 165, you might want to pair it up with a longer 210 mioroshi deba, or for 180, you might want to pair it up with a ko-deba 120-135 down the road.
  6. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    I was thinking of having Watanabe make one for me but was really stumped on what size to tell him. Thanks for everyone's input. I think I will go 180 and add a 165 later if needed rather than going 165 and possibly having length envy. :p
  7. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    If you order 180 today, next in line should be a smaller ko deba/ajikiri, or a longer mioroshi, but that depends on what kind of fish you're eating.

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