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Hylian Shield Anyone?

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by thedispossessed, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Yes,
    I'm a huge nerd, a Nintendo loving Legend of Zelda obsessed nerd.
    So I really enjoyed this video of these folks making a replica of the Hylian Shield, some cool metal work in there. The sword, not so much..

  2. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Not a fan, but did enjoy watching the video.
  3. i love the massive english flattening wheel
  4. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  5. Looks cool but not sure what it's for. Are they making movie props?
  6. bieniek

    bieniek Founding Member

    Some can afford to just do things for the sake of having fun.
    I like the end result a lot though. One thing bugs me, how did they do it back then, cause damn this guy from the movie is struggling?

    The sword ...what a flop
  7. turbo

    turbo Founding Member

    I liked when they were throwing stuff at each other. Never played Zelda but the shield looks cool

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