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New Handle Layout

Discussion in 'CJA Edged Art / Scorpion Forge' started by CrisAnderson27, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Sooo...as some of you (that follow my Instagram) know...I spent a little time today working on a new handle layout. My knives are obviously Japanese style knives...and the handles are inspired by their Japanese counterparts also. That said...I've always felt that they somehow just didn't 'fit' together like they should. Something was missing for me.

    Soooo...I thought back to the first handle I made to test my construction methods. The wood was simply untreated pine lumber...the spacers were copper and the same pine in an opposing grain configuration. I BEAT on that handle...and even left it out on a barrel through multiple storms and an entire Arizona summer. It's STILL in one piece :). Here's a picture of it roughly paired with my first ko-gyuto prototype.


    Anyway...that handle was a success as far as construction methods...but it needed substantial refinement. In addition it was very rough, and difficult to finish properly with a reasonable amount of labor.

    Sooo...it was shelved...and the construction methods were used to develop my current standard line of Japanese style handles. I always wanted to come back to that handle though, and see if something more 'finished' could be made with the concept.

    Today...I believe I did just that.

    New handle design on a similarly sized ko-gyuto.

    And on the 265mm passaround gyuto.

    Honestly I believe its a substantial improvement...both in aesthetics and performance. It's shorter than a standard wa handle...which balances the neck length nicely (this was an issue on the shorter ko-gyuto/line knives in particular)...but doesn't look 'stubby' with the back cut butt. Weight should be about the same or slightly lighter...so balance will be pretty much unaffected.

    So, what do you guys think?
  2. Rick

    Rick aka Pensacola Tiger Founding Member Gold Contributor

    I like it. Looking forward to seeing how it feels in hand when the passaround gets to me. Are you planning to narrow the front of the handle so it is similar to the prototype?
  3. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    I can probably be a guinea pig for it, since I do like the look...but oddly part of it is because the pine is very relaxing to the eye and the minimal style fits the shape. Perhaps the dancing wood would suit this shape, since it could be turned and played with in the light reflecting the different surfaces and curves separately?
  4. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    I gotta say...the first pic didn't do it for me. I simply don't think the handle and the knife pair well together.

    Then I scrolled the page down, read a little more, and saw the second pic and said "there ya go". I like the refined model much better. To me the profile of the steel and handle fit each other.

    Well done!
  5. Love the look of the handle. Would love to try it.

    One point I would make is related to the amount of relief at the heel. With slicers (like the amazing suji you made for me) a grip on mostly the handle feels fine. But for workhorse knives, like a gyuto, I like a pinch grip with my fingers very much on the blade. I like to get my forefinger really forward to touch the blade. Since there is so much relief at the heel on your design, I would want the handle to be quite thin at the front.
  6. Bill T

    Bill T Founding Member

    As you know from IG, I like it very much.
    Very stylized. ..very modern..

    It's nice to pay homage to the Japanese styles and such. ..but at some point-as a Custom Maker, we should bring a bit of ourselves to the mix.
    That's just an opinion of course. I love your knives regardless. ...
  7. I would leave the front of the handle thicker, because in a pinch grip, there wouldn't be anything for your ring finger to grip onto to keep it from sliding back. I don't know if that makes sense, but I think there needs to be something to grip.
  8. For my knives...I've found that a 'relieved' ferrule actually lessens my grip in a pinch grip setup.

    This was the first kitchen knife I made...and the ferrule is similarly shaped to the initial prototype from the above post. My current full size ferrule provides much better grip as Jared mentioned.

    This picture also shows you guys how my knife fits in hand with a full pinch grip. My middle finger tucks just in front of the ferrule, and my ring and pinky lightly wrap around the handle. I've used a number of different maker's knives by now...and to me this isn't any less comfortable or usable. It's actually more comfortable in my opinion, but that could be because it's what I'm used to.

    I sent you a PM about that...let me know what you think.

    Thanks my friend!! I like it better too. The bottom curve is very subtle...most think it's straight until they look more closely.

    See the above picture. Is this what you mean??

    And thanks on the suji!! I'm very glad you like it!! I'd love a full review if you ever get the time :D.

    I agree...and thank you!

    As for the handle...the blank is glued up:


    Decided to go with black mango, and copper. I'll get some shaping pictures up as I go with it tomorrow :D.
  9. So...it's done lol. I gave the glue about 5hrs and then went to town lol.

    And no...I haven't been to sleep tonight yet.

    I'm pretty pleased. It suits the lines of the knife well I think...as you'll see below. This one isn't going on the passaround I don't believe. Robert and I switched some things around and he's getting the newest ko-gyuto I made, and is deciding whether he would like this handle on it. If he chooses not to take it, it'll go on the passaround. For now though, here is a picture of the handle slipped onto the ko-gyuto for visual reference.


    Again...I'm pretty well pleased.
  10. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Man get that rubbish away from me...

    ;):eek: Looks pretty sweet. Go to bed!
  11. Haha...right! Just made it now lol.

    That handle definitely adds to the personality of the blade. If there were such a thing as a high mountain tiger shark...this would be it lol.
  12. Lefty

    Lefty Founding Member

    I really like it, Cris. People have asked me how my handle shapes happen/come about, and I always answer with, "they just happen". So, go wth your instincts/gut, and rather than copy someone else, just make what you naturally make. I think this is you doing just that. Well done!
  13. larrybard

    larrybard Founding Member

    Like it very much: simple but elegant, and flowing.
  14. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Really like the way it looks, very interested to see how it feels/performs. Whole lot of sexy right there!
  15. Thanks guys!

    I'm pretty freakin thrilled with it in hand. The mineral oil darkened it back up just a bit, and made the striping a solid charcoal grey and silver rather than a medium grey/silver. Foiled with the vibrance of the copper it's a really stunning effect.

    Anyhow, I'm going to get the blade finish polished today, then go ahead and mount it. I'd like to get it sent over to Robert asap. He waited months for his last ko-gyuto due to the inefficiency in cost of shipping one knife to his country (I have multiple pending refinish projects with him)...but I want to get this over to him quickly lol. I'll get some pictures up before hand of course...but his pictures are FAR superior to mine...so I'll be looking forward to them as well :).
  16. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    Reminds me of a Haburn handle.
  17. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    REALLY like it!
  18. I just went and looked to see. Some of Ian's handles have a butt slanted on a straight angle...however they are basically wa handles still. Meaning all of the tapers are straight as well. On mine...the top five 'facets' are straight...but the bottom three are curved. In addition the butt is curved as well.

    Here's a few examples of VERY early work of mine that I was trying to capture the spirit of here:

    My first ever attempt at a kitchen knife. The final piece sits here on my desk now as a reminder of about 100 things not to do lol.

    Second attempt. This one actually ended up being turned into a very useful little utility/petty that I gave to my dad as part of a set. In both of these you can see the lines I put into the new style handle. I'm just a little better at my execution now :D. Regardless...Ian's work is flawless as well as beautiful...and I'm flattered by the comparison.

    Thanks!! I'm thinking of a similar combination with some really highly figured root beer brown koa I have, and copper...for the passaround :).
  19. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Hehe...gotta get it to me before you make something else and I change my mind again. :fp

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