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Chris Reeve worth it for EDC?

Discussion in 'EDC - What is in your pocket?' started by Byron, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Byron

    Byron Founding Member

    Looking at getting a gentleman folder for EDC and I keep coming back to the Chris Reeve Mnandi. Right now I carry a Benchmade 940 Osbourn. Never had a Chris Reeve. Wanted to know if they live up to there reputations? They seem to be hard to come by where is a good place to get one? Any advice is appreciated.

  2. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    well the people who buy them rarely ever give them up lol which seems good for the worth it part... and really bad for the get one part.
    i think you could get an equally good blade in some of the production stuff... but reeves does make good stuff from what i have read of experienced owners of his knives
  3. butch

    butch Founding Member

    for the kind of $ they get i might look at a full custom
    i would also look at a liner lock with the lock bar in the .070 thick range to save weight after all no one wants you slacks pulled down from a knife.

    i have a spyderco Vesuvius shell inlay comp lock that is my "dress knife" and it works great
  4. Lefty

    Lefty Founding Member

    Contact a guy named Butch Harner... I'm sure i have his contact info somewhere. Oh, wait... There it is ^
  5. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Byron I have this knife and cannot say a bad thing about it. Easy to carry as it weighs nothing, in fact I keep it in mt breast pocket and it weighs no more than a pen. The size of it puts it in the pen knife category. I found mine NOS on Ebay at a reduced price.
  6. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    is it just me or does Jims knife look like its surrounded by dried blood splatter.
  7. Birnando

    Birnando Founding Member

    I have several of them.
    I carry one or more of them every day at work where they are put to rather hard use.
    Yes, IMHO, they are very well worth the money.
    Probably more so than most knives I've had the pleasure to own.
    Stellar workmanship, good steel and very functional and simple designs.
  8. Christopher

    Christopher Founding Member

    If you don't get one this time, you will always wonder and probably get one anyway, so you might as well just get one. I can't stop looking at the large 21 insingo with inlays, so i'm in the same boat as you. We're both doomed LOL.
  9. Byron

    Byron Founding Member

    Thanks everyone for all of your advice. Now to decide how far down the rabbit whole to go LOL.
  10. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    there's enough people below you the bottom shouldn't hurt to bad
  11. My plain 21 and my lionsteel To spine are my 2 favorites of everything I own. They aren't cheap, but the quality of the product makes it well worth the cost.
    When all else fails, if you hate it, you can usually sell them at a very minimal loss.
  12. Dream Burls

    Dream Burls Founding Member

    I just got this a couple of days ago so I can't attest to its longevity, but I can tell you that the fit and finish is excellent and the pivot is smooth as silk. I did need to sharpen the blade a bit, but it just needed to be honed a bit. This has a box elder burl inlay and a DT raindrop damascus blade. I love the way it looks and feels in my hand. Hope to carry this around with me for many, many years.

  13. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  14. Dream Burls

    Dream Burls Founding Member

    Thanks Toothpick. It's definitely a keeper.
  15. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  16. Dream Burls

    Dream Burls Founding Member

    Thanks Jim.
  17. Beautiful inlay selection, if my wife wouldn't kill me, I would order one for my self. I just wish they would do a carbon fiber inlay...
  18. New guy here, but yes I think any Chris Reeve knife is worth it. I have an Umnumzaan and love it, have handled others[​IMG]

    [​IMG][/url][/IMG] [​IMG][/IMG]

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  19. Myron, did you provide Chris Reeve with that box elder burl? ;)

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