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The camera/photography thread

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by JBroida, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Perhaps fixed-size magnetic cube or something would get the job done, or I could simply draw in a scale. With the one I posted, I think most people are not used to seeing thin knives quite so closely (i.e. not a blurry hairline). This isn't my thinnest knife, but I figured I'd take a pic before maybe a little more enhancement, refinishing (it's at 300-grit finish now), sharpening, and giving as a gift. Unfortunately I don't have a choilie of it from before it was thinned, but I'll say it's quite a bit more svelte than it used to be. Kind of a neat knife...shame I don't like the handle-heavy balance.
  2. Playing with lunch

    0290150409-11.jpg 0290150409-19.jpg
  3. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    What would you do for a klondike bar???? Screw that, I would commit a felony for that salami! Great pics !!!
  4. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  5. butch

    butch Founding Member

    was out on the water today and got these 2
  6. More nice pics there guys:like

    Just a couple from a fishing trip yesterday, it was a bit cloudy and the light wasn't great so it was tricky to get the handheld shots of the hoverfly with a reasonable shutter speed to try and keep it sharpish, all good practice though
    water.JPG hover3.JPG hover4.JPG
  7. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  8. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  9. Eating breakfast this morning and this guy pops up and starts strutting his stuff outside the door... Dropped the food, scrambled to get my 400 mounted and start shooting. I need a gimble head for these guys :p

  10. apicius9

    apicius9 Founding Member

    Don't, my supervisor was in for armed robbery and it certainly did not help rehabilitating his character...

    That said, some great pics here, I lost track of this thread.

  11. Time for this guy to join the club, lol.

    Nikon D3200 with the 18-55mm VR kit lens, and the 55-200mm. I got a GREAT deal on these two, only $275. And yes, I'm aware my light box is too small for the camera lol, I built it the other night to take a picture of a small petty handle with my cell phone :p.


    My other camera is actually my cell phone. LG G3 (used to take those pictures lol).

    Here's a comparison of my current skill level (read, almost none!) with both cameras:

    Three wa handles with the LG G3, ISO100 and -2ev. Postwork in Photoshop CS5

    The same three with the D3200. These were taken literally however the guy before me had it setup. About the only thing I did was turn the aperture? ring on the 18-55mm lens until the focus was best, lol. Again, postwork in CS5. I know there's a LOT more in this camera...and I'm actually going to be making another post here shortly so I can maybe get some advice from you more knowledgeable guys to help me figure it out!
  12. Nice score Cris, the body with no lenses would cost somewhere around that here in the UK!!
    I can see some great pics coming once you get the hang of the settings
  13. Great deal indeed!
    However the Nikon picture is clearly out of focus. You might need to check minimal focusing distance for your lens, or more carefully focus using live view on LCD. The highlights are a bit blown out, but that's right how I like them :)
  14. Out playing with the Bees

    0308150526-59.jpg 0309150526.jpg 0309150526-30.jpg
  15. Lol...in the top picture it looks like you're about to be under heavy artillery fire from one p'd off honey bee!!
  16. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  17. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Need a tripod. I think I'd like to get one with a ball head as the last two I had with the lever off the back, the lever seemed to get in the way. I'd like to separate pan and ball lock knobs and to stay away from Manfrotto money, any recommendations?
  18. What Takeda is that? I love the profile and the size. And the sausage probably, too. :)

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