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The camera/photography thread

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by JBroida, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. butch

    butch Founding Member

  2. Ajikiri, my first Takeda and I love it :)
  3. If Manfrotto is to much mine is on pluto... Gitzo (http://www.gitzo.us/systematic-series-5-carbon-tripod-long-3-section-eye-level-gt5532ls) link is for the new model. Built to hold everything I have down solid. Getting a Really Right Stuff BH-55 (http://www.reallyrightstuff.com/Shop/BH-55-Full-Size-Ballhead/) at the end of the year. This combo will even hold my Linhof 4x5 rock steady :)
  4. Sitting in my windy garden today...

    0310150605-3.jpg 0310150605-13.jpg
  5. butch

    butch Founding Member

    who is a canon shooter ? thoughts on a G16 for a walkaround shooter+ scuba (looking at sub 1k $ combos and this seems to fit) im a sony guy and cant see to come up with a NEX combo in budget
  6. Not much on the point and shoots, I've shot canon for 35 years but none of the point and clicks.

    Underwater cameras and housings are also out of my area. From my understanding though Under Water housings for any SLR run up into the 1k and build per camera and lens combo. Buy a new frame = new UW housing.

    Ever play with a GoPro?
  7. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    What software are you guys using to manage your photography?
  8. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

  9. apicius9

    apicius9 Founding Member

    These are a few years old but I just happened to see them again, thought they might fit in here. Taken at the Honolulu fish auction a few weeks before Christmas. They go through about 100,000 pounds of tuna per day in high season. The round fish is opah or moon fish, one of my favories. All taken with a Panasonic GH2 micro 4/3 camera and either a 20mm or a 75mm prime lens. Could have worked on the white balance a bit more, the artificial light in there threw the colors a bit.


    image.jpg image.jpg

    image.jpg image.jpg
  10. I'm still using LightRoom 5.7 Lightroom does everything I need to do to an image as well as excellent cataloguing abilities. Nowadays you have to get the PS and LR programs as a subscription from adobe and I'm rather miffed off about that...

    I don't like photo manipulation/illustration, the things that Photo Shop are known for, so I have developed an issue with PS in general and that will make next semester, Digital Darkroom.., a pain in the butt. Light Room allows for many adjustments to color balance, white balance, under and over exposure compensation and such but not much more. And that is just fine with me, but if you want to artistically play with your images than I'd suggest Photo Shop :)
  11. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    I see LR 3 and 4, full versions going for reasonable scratch. would I feel let down if I got one of the older versions? Other than adjusting some saturation and exposure, I would be doing much manipulation I think. I've heard that the managing features of LR are exceptional if you are religious in tagging.
  12. I'm not very familiar with earlier LR programs, but I do know LR5 wow a good sized upgrade and not that 6 is out I'd imagine 5 will come down in price... maybe, it's the last version on a disc, 6 is digital download and subscription service... Not something I'm pleased with...
  13. I'm using LR4 end never missed anything from newer versions. Thought I use LR only for light processing, as I don't think it usable for organizing photos
  14. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Thanks Anton. You comment on LR's efficacy in oganizing photos surprises me. Almost all I've read about it would indicate that organizing and managing workflow is its strong suit with some reviewers saying it is unequaled. Can you explain?

    Incidentally, this thread caused me to acquire a new camera and start to look back into photography. It amazes me how much the world of photography has changed. from feeling lucky to have an in body light meter to assist with the manual setting of ISO,shutter and aperture, to having all the features packed into these modern cameras is mind boggling for the old timer (me). Like a kid in the candy store.
  15. Jeffery Hunter

    Jeffery Hunter Founding Member

    The cataloging that sets light room apart I think was introduced in 5. I personally use their subscription service and don't mind, I actually like the updates and all for the 10 bucks a month. But that is personal preference.
  16. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    I should try some of this software someday.
  17. What's the base price? I'm paying $10 bucks a month for a lot of services, lol...in the end it builds up. I'd rather take a hit for software initially, then own it forever personally.

    All I have is Photoshop CS5. Managing my organization is up to me lol.
  18. As many other things in life, cataloging is very personal thing.

    My imaginable cataloging software would automatically guess what type of photos I'm importing from SD card and would then put them into my preconfigure folders on the hard drive. And because that software doesn't exists, I have to do it manually and LR only makes it worse for me. It doesn't let me remove photos from SD card after importing (even though the button is there, but it's disabled and even their support couldn't help me). When I import photos it will copy both raw and jpeg files even though I don't need both. Then I'll make some adjustment and export photos into separate folder on hard drive. From there I'll upload some on flickr and that's basically my routine.
    I'm using LR only because I got a very good deal on it once, and probably one day I'll replace it with darktable for all my editing needs.
  19. I need to setup virtual linux on my PC...but the few times I've tried it it's been a headache and a half. That darktable looks like it might be worth it though.

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