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Hmmm....! Arizona Natural Stones??

Discussion in 'Sharpening forum' started by CrisAnderson27, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Soooo! I had a rather interesting discussion today with a gentleman named Terry who is located about 100 miles north of me here in good old Arizona. It seems said gentleman is the sole source for these rather unusual (from all I've read) natural stones.

    Being my first natural stones, ever...the learning curve should be interesting at the least lol. Anyone know enough about them to give me a jump start? Yes...I'll be using these for straight razors (I was recently gifted a good one, and will use these in the closing progression)...but I thought the red might be an interesting finisher for kitchen knives. Terry told me that the grit range is 7k to 10k or so, and that this stone looked to be in the lower/middle of that range, which for me puts it at what I figure is the very highest end for general use kitchen blades.

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    Anyhow! Any information you all feel like sharing would be greatly appreciated!

  2. These are talked about a bit on the razor forums. Apparently the grey is finer and used as a razor finisher, so it is hard and used gently, though some slurry is possible to speed things up a bit (raised with 325 diamond plate). Apparently they burnish more than cut at that grit, but I have no first-hand experience.

    I would like to try
  3. Thanks for the response Atchbo :). I've been reading a lot at B&B about them. Other than a few duds in the strata, all of the reviews seem very very positive. Hopefully they'll arrive by tomorrow. I haven't received either razor yet lol...but they'll be fun to look at, and I have a couple of very thin behind the edge knives that would provide an interesting look at the scratch pattern anyhow!
  4. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Hmmmmm......... :pop:like:cool1
  5. Can't wait to hear! I almost pulled the trigger on one a few months back. Only so much money for all my pursuits!
  6. Hey Cris. Whatever happened with these?
    It's a bit of a fascination for me, trying to find some natural stones in AZ.

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