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Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by Jim, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. PierreRodrigue

    PierreRodrigue Tactical Walrus Founding Member

    Picture 1874.jpg
    This is Jazz, Whippet/Beagle cross,
  2. cclin

    cclin Founding Member

    this is Jibi, mortise breed mix with pekingese.
    "normal face"
    did something bad, "guilty face"
  3. Andrew

    Andrew Have Pen Will Travel Founding Member

    Our cat is sort of like a dog, as well. He's waiting at the door every time we come home. He comes when called, and follows us around the house. It's almost impossible to keep him off your lap in the evening. He's very "food motivated," as our vet says. He sleeps at the foot of our bed, and makes a mean semi-dry cider.

    P1090751.JPG P1090202.JPG P1100397.JPG P1090880.JPG
  4. Maxim

    Maxim Founding Member

    here my Jessy :)

  5. butch

    butch Founding Member

    my god what do you do when a whiple gets on a scent. i hope its less hard headed then a beagle. a dog with the drive of a beagle and the speed of a whippet woudl be ddangurous
  6. Lefty

    Lefty Founding Member

    I love this thread. Every single pet here is amazing!

    Randy, I remember your pair of labs really well. Man, are they ever sucks! Am I imagining things, or did your "third dog" not sleep on my bed, when we had crazy knife-making fun, last year? All awesome!

    Here's my boy. He's my best bud.




    Eat. Play. Sleep. And, yes, he's sleeping with an Estwing hammer.
  7. Argonaut

    Argonaut People call me French sounding words Founding Member

    A dog that sleeps with a hammer by his side, talk about the ultimate guard dog!
  8. gavination

    gavination Founding Member

    Puppies and cats!

    So I don't have a pet of my own since I'm in grad school and I travel a lot. Gone too much. So I just borrow other people's pets! I like to pretend they're mine though.

    This is Pearl. She's big and dopey.[​IMG]

    And likes to sit like a person.


    Her life is really difficult.
  9. PierreRodrigue

    PierreRodrigue Tactical Walrus Founding Member

    Butch, it's nuts! I was walking her in the bush, she picked up the scent of a rabbit, I let her off leash, she sniffed twice, and was gone! 20 seconds later, a couple hundred yards away, the bunny broke out of the bush, and tried to cross a field, Jazz was about 75 yards behind it, rabbit had 50 yards to the next bush, both running flat out, Jazz caught it! Before it made the bush! She gets so low when she runs, she scuffs her belly. Haha! Just a blur...

    As for stubborn, she isn't bad, but when she's on scent, you could beat her with a stick, and she wouldn't break. Nose down, and hell bent . Hell of a good dog, more house dog, than a working dog. If you keep her on leash, you can control her. Off leash, she doesn't stop, till the scent ends in a critter.
  10. Lefty

    Lefty Founding Member

    Sounds awfully familiar. Beagles are little powerhouse athletes to begin with. I can't imagine adding more speed to my bud. Damn!
  11. butch

    butch Founding Member

    i can barely sprint with mine down to the shop (i used to be fairly fast )
    lefty what hight its your beagle looks like the smaller build
  12. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Forgot my other two guys, been with me for 28years give or take a few

    2014-01-31 12.21.13.png

    They suck chasing hares dispite what you may have heard
  13. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Higgins.jpg Jezibell.jpg Thanks to my new scanner here are a few more hunting partners and friends. Higgins on Top and Jezebel on the bottom
  14. Intrigued

    Intrigued Founding Member

    They look like great companions, Jim. It must be time to get a new dog. [​IMG]
  15. Twistington

    Twistington Founding Member

    The lads: came bundeled with the better half... hated them in the begining, now I find them awesome! :)
  16. Argonaut

    Argonaut People call me French sounding words Founding Member

    Weird how those geese weren't bothered by Jez's presence. Beautiful dogs Jim.
  17. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    My bestie, Cooper. He is an American Brittany.
  18. marc4pt0

    marc4pt0 Founding Member

    l_a7c57eb468f9a794aa0bd4c99b2427bf.jpeg l_582ac7f96e2a7bee45f0ef57c2d68084.jpeg 1393768455487.jpg From left going clockwise:
    (1) My wife (before she said "I do") playing with what was a birthday present to myself,
    (2) a black lab mix rescue we named Besos.
    (3)You can see the family grow...
  19. Intrigued

    Intrigued Founding Member

    Mycroft (9 months) laying near Abby (9 years). This is rare! It almost never happens that Abby will let Mycroft lay near her during the day, though they sleep in the same crate every night. :rolleyes:

    Mycroft & Abby 3.jpg

    Mycroft 9 months.jpg Abby 2.jpg
  20. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Labs edit.jpg

    Fingers crossed I can get the boss to sign on. If not this spring next I guess.

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