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A couple of WIP's

Discussion in 'Tristone Bladesmithing' started by Chadd Smith, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. 20150918_140315.jpg IMG_20150922_120151.jpg 20150917_191627.jpg IMG_20150912_180225.jpg IMG_20150923_131004.jpg Just a couple of handles and blades on the bench coming up.

    D handle:

    Right handed, fully tapered made from Camatillo, 6000y.o. ancient red gum, nickle spacer.


    Very minor taper in width, Ancient red gum, blonde buffalo horn, amboyna burl and nickle handle.

    D Handle WIP:

    Fully tapered, right handed, Black G10, brown mallee, 416 and nickle spacer.

    All handles in the future will have a taper on all side not just in width.

    Thanks for looking.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2015
  2. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    Wow I like that paring knife looking thing.
  3. Stuff is looking great as always!
  4. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    stunning. what is the steel?
  5. Top one is S35VN 60hrc, have a couple in RWL34 at 62hrc, two in niolox, one in CPM154CM 61hrc one AEBL 62hrc. A takefu mini chopper and a 52100/15n20 parer.
  6. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

  7. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  8. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    I'm good. just had to burn up the google:k
  9. I have not found many people testing or using top of the range PM stainless. That being said I bought a bunch of them and tested them all. I got as close to the same grind on each blade (convex) and went at it.

    Rockwell tested and snapped them all to check for deflection prior to breaking and observed grain. Below are my test knives.

  10. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  11. Couple more nearly done. Just minor tweaking. 20150930_210239.jpg
  12. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    they look great Chadd. can you discuss your different choil treatments?
  13. How's the performance of the pm stainless as compared to the regular steel you use?
  14. The PM stainless I use seems to have greater edge retention than 52100 which is my benchmark carbon steel blade. The issue is when different steels dull they do so in different ways. For example 52100 I find will get progressively more dull without any rea change, however Nilox and S35VN dull in stages and create different edges when they do. I have noticed Niolox and S35VN deteriorate from a hair popping sharpness to a micro-saw like edge. This is deceiving due to the edge geometry, which is very fine at the edge so unless I am doing a vertical push cut it is difficult to notice if the edge is blunt.

    To that end I would say that those particular PM steels have a secondary sharpness stage which lasts quite a long time, definitely out performing steels with low carbide volume when considering moderate sharpness levels over a longer period.
  15. Wow, looking great!
  16. chefcomesback

    chefcomesback Founding Member

    I have used Chadd's pm knife for a week , it sharpened easy as any pure carbons and maintained the edge quite long, I was very impressed
  17. Bill T

    Bill T Founding Member

  18. It was actually RWL34 at 63HRC :D I've got it back in my little mits and it is now getting some new shoes.

    Thanks for the review :)


  19. Bill T

    Bill T Founding Member

    I've never used the RWL34 and had no idea it was a PM. Thanks Chadd.

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