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Forgecraft Restoration

Discussion in 'CJA Edged Art / Scorpion Forge' started by CrisAnderson27, Dec 11, 2014.

  1. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    I always cringe when I hear people talk about masculine/feminine.
  2. Well, it's kind of a natural thing...I get it. Even many languages are broken into masculine and feminine usage etc. Just kind of how things work I guess :).
  3. no-no, Cris, it's pretty obvious that this knife is waaaay to masculine for such a nice girl.
    You'd better forge a new sexy knife for her and ship that one to Russia (because Syberia, white bears and putin are very masculine…)
  4. I'll see if I can get her to give it up...lol, but I wouldn't hold your breath :).
  5. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    Great conversion, I am sure she will like it.
  6. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    Wait...she cooks, will soon like custom knives...why is she not a member...we could use a little feminine touch around here.
  7. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Care to rephrase that, sweet cheeks?
  8. marc4pt0

    marc4pt0 Founding Member

    Great looking thread, through and through!
  9. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Hot chick + sexy knife......... I'm not sure what doesn't equate? On a personal note: nothing is sexier than tastefully done ink! Well done, brother Cris, well done.
  10. scotchef38

    scotchef38 Founding Member

    Nice work Cris, the finish on the blade is fantastic,kind of looks like pewter
  11. Burl Source

    Burl Source Founding Member

    Nice work Cris
  12. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    "Care to rephrase that, sweet cheeks?"

    Ha, good call Lucretia, how could I have forgotten about you, I apologize. Although.... something tells me while you may be a little retired rocket scientist, you would be just as able to fend off wolves in the frozen north as Pierre is:) (I also have no doubt you could hold your own with Son in a kitchen in Jamaica NY....)
  13. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Aw, how nice! But I put my pink panties on one leg at a time just like the rest of you do!
  14. Have you been rummaging around in my underwear drawer?!?!
  15. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Nah, just hacking in to your security camera. Love that dance you do to the Spice Girls!

  16. ~~!!I'll tell you what I want what I really really want!!~~
  17. So...not being able to sleep at night knowing I left a video of the Spice Girls as the final comment in this thread...I waited just a few days sort of an entire year to get Julie's knife back in hand so I could comment!!

    I still think this might be the most beautiful piece of koa to pass through my hands to date, with Ferry's a very close second.
  18. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Cris, that ForgeCraft is finer than frog hair.
  19. Well thank you my friend :D!
  20. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Neat. My koa is more boring, but should still work!

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