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Knife Porn!

Discussion in 'HHH Custom Knives' started by HHH Knives, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    _MG_4046 (800x533).jpg _MG_4047 (800x533).jpg _MG_4057 (800x533) - Copy.jpg _MG_4058 (800x533).jpg _MG_4062 (800x533).jpg _MG_4064 (800x533).jpg
  2. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

  3. Definitely twisted. I would even say wicked. Very nice pic!
  4. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Ah yes....... Nothing better than some good KNIFE PORN for the holidays!!! :jump
  5. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Its a KNIFE LIFE!

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  6. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Desperate cry for some fresh KNIFE PORN!!! :jump :like :cool1
  7. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Sry Chef and the rest of the Fora. I have been trying to get use to wearing glasses for the first time. Im 45 and probably should of had glasses a long time ago. After a eye test a few weeks ago. I was told that I have astigmatism in my one eye. Both eyes were bad. But one is really off! Go figure? I been at this for years and my solution was always. GET A BIGGER TV not glasses. ;) Anyways. I selected some safty glass style frames and last week, Picked up my new glasses. Now I am trying to get my brain/eyes to work right. My vision with the new glasses is clear. Its amazing and crisp. Colors and details are better then I have ever seen.. Problem I am still having is some depth perception. Stuff out at 10 to 100 feet is perfect and not a issue.. Stuff up close. Well. I quit drinking about 12 years ago and the only thing I can relate this close view to is being drunk. reaching to grab something and missing.. grabbing a few inches off. Or knocking it over.. That paired with a wired effect where rectangles or squares. Esspecially on my PC screen Look like a parallelogram.. Very disorientating. Went back to eye doc today and after re checking both my eyes and my glasses to be sure the were made properly.. Dr. said I need to keep wearing these Which he says will allow my eyes to adjust to them. and these "issues" will go away.. and or at least get better.

    Sry to go on and on. In short. Due to this. I have been VERY apprehensive to get in front of my grinder. or do alot of stuff where if my depth perception is off a little. It could result in lots of blood and stitches or worst. I have a few. things in the works on the bench currently. Stay tuned!!!!

    I guess the only other option if my eyes/brain wont adjust to wearing glasses is Lasic (spelling?) eye surgery. Which Im pretty sure I can afford, although I have yet to look into the cost of this. I would not think you would want to look for a BUDGET eye surgeon. lol

    Anyone ever "get use to glasses" that had things get straight after wearing there glasses?

    So thats it. Not much to share in the way of KNIFE PORN.. Although I did get a package with a Tuxedo Gyuto in it. :D Its always so cool to see a knife after a couple of years of use. Althogh I believe this was used only lightly due to client planning from day one to give this to his baby girl one day.. :) To me its still KNIFE PORN!! So Ill add a few photos of this knife from back when I made it! Actually It may be a 270? Cant remember.

    God Bless!

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  8. Randy,
    One question about your new glasses, are the lenses "High-Index" or Polycarbonate? If they are, you may want to try lenses made of ordinary plastic ( CR-39) instead. I have been wearing glasses for the last 47 years and on several occasions, the "vision specialists" (Sales associates, not eye doctors) highly recommended High-Index lenses because they are Lighter / Thinner / More Expensive. I listened to their spiels and a couple times gave them a whirl. Each time, I experienced spatial distortion like you described which could only be resolved by remaking the lenses with CR-39. They also told me my eyes would adjust, but they didn't. I see fine through CR-39 plastic, but not the higher index lenses. Sometimes I have to argue with them, but they eventually see it my way. My optometrist told me that some people do not accommodate high-index lenses.

    I hope you are able to work this out. Vision issues are a major pain.

    I love your work, by the way. The Tuxedo is very stylish. Thanks for all the great pics of great knives. -Doug
  9. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Thanks for the info Doug. I appreciate your time and help.

    Yesterday I spent all day in the shop and about 95% of that time with the glasses on. I would like to say that my eyes started to adjust a bit. Yet by end of day. My head hurt and my eyes were so "tired" for lack of a better word. I will give myself and my eyes a few more days to adjust. And if they dont. I go back to the doc. and will suggest the change in materials.

    On a up note., I did manage to get some Heat Treating done. 3 Nakiris western handle and 2 Gyuto's 240 is MM. Westerns. AND 2 strawberry slayer paring knives in K390 steel.
    And 12 SS damascus folder blades for a project I am helping a friend on. :)
    Then when these were in the temper cycles. I finished a handle on a small hunting knife thats been sitting on my bench for a few months.. :D

    So in all a very productive day really.

    Anyways. Thanks to the guys who called or PM'd me too! Its nice to know you guys Got My Back!
    God Bless YA
  10. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    I did grind a few blades.. 2 yesterday and 1 today.. And thankfully between years of muscle memory and a few days of getting use to these glasses. All 3 turned out great!

    The one I worked on today was a Strawberry slayer paring knife in K390 steel. This stuff is beyond CRAZY! I think I called it "steelzilla" in another post due to how hard and wear resistant this stuff is! So far. Its the most wear resistant steel I have used on a knife. The RC number only begins to tell the story. Measuring in at RC 65. That alone is not what makes this stuff so damn hard.. The combination if High Carbon content paired with the fact the steel has a very high content of other carbide forming elements. (things that effect how a steel hardens, carbide sizes, and stuff that matters to how a cutting tool maintains its edge) make it just CRAZY tough!
    Things that are in K390 in significant amounts..... Cobalt, Molybdenum, Tungsten, and Vanadium, Chromium and a Carbon content of 2.45%
    Which by comparison.
    1095 steel is .95% carbon
    Blue #2 is 1.2% carbon
    52100 is 1.1% carbon
    AEB-L is 67% carbon

    Here is a link to the specs for K390 from ZKnives for anyone interested. This is one of if not the very best resource for steel info on the web! And the maker of the site is a member here on KKF!! Gator I think he goes by.. http://zknives.com/knives/steels/k390.shtml

    Its a KNIFE LIFE! Stay sharp my friends
  11. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Randy Jr. forging some Feather damascus today in the shop. :)

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  12. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Soooo cool...... Junior rocking some Damascus!!! Yea buddy. :) :cool:
  13. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    And a couple completed. This is a new handle style I think I LIKE IT! Thoughts?? Handle style is a modified full tang Wa construction. Alla Delbert Ealy.

    8" and 10" chef.
    HHH Damascus blades RC63 Convex grinds
    8" is Snakewood and Burch burl
    10" is Rosewood burl and Blackwood

    Both are ready for a new home!


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  14. Just Beautiful Randy! Sigh...another one goes on the list :)
  15. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Both are F/S and ready for delivery!
  16. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Oh my goodness!!! :pop
  17. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Kato rehandle.

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  18. Mrmnms

    Mrmnms Founding Member Gold Contributor

    That spalt is insane. I never even thought to ask you about re handles. You have the coolest materials out there !
  19. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    I dont always do rehandle on Japanese knives..
    But when I do......... I use some insane maple!
  20. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

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