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2016 ECG - Northern Virginia

Discussion in 'Get togethers, Tastings, Restaurant Openings, Etc' started by WildBoar, Feb 1, 2016.


Which sunday in May works best for you?

Poll closed May 16, 2016.
  1. May 1

  2. May 15

  3. May 22

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    LMAO! To funny! OK so I have been trying to figure out a way to make the trip this year.... Hmmmmmmm.
  2. :D

    I hope you can make it Randy! I'd love to meet you!
  3. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Likewise Cris.. Would be great to finally meet alot of you knife Knuts!

    I plan to talk to "the boss" this weekend about it. And may bring a friend or two along for the ride..
  4. WildBoar

    WildBoar Founding Member Contributor

    It would be great if you could make it. Del made the trek a few years back; pretty sure he drove as he brought some forging stuff. airfare is pretty cheap these days too, as compared to a year or two back.
  5. marc4pt0

    marc4pt0 Founding Member

    Wait, Randy might make it? And Butch AND Cris??
    Gonna start practicing my push up now!
    Three top notch bladesmiths. Better start saving some money too!
  6. And start the jewellery shopping...
  7. marc4pt0

    marc4pt0 Founding Member

    Good call
  8. I may or may not be mailing some surprises down ahead of me...lol. Don't know what if anything will be for sale though, but I guarantee there will be some demo knives...even if I don't bring anything :p. Sam promised to either come, or mail his down for us to play with, and unless Marc manages to forget his, both will be there. I'm going to try to let the passaround loose again at the event as well, with its extra surprise inside...

  9. butch

    butch Founding Member

    soon as i get more steel in i ll have to make sure to be setting aside a few blades.
    woudl be nice to see randy and talk shop about a few things. wonder if i coudl get a car-tec tour for him (sorry guys its hell to even get in the door or i woudl see if we coudl have a ecg type deal there )
    ron long (cartec marketig ) stopped in at warrens many years back but only stayed a few min and was on his on time
  10. WildBoar

    WildBoar Founding Member Contributor

    ** B U M P **

    May 15 is coming up fast! Make you plans now! Tell your boss you can't work that day! You NY/ MJ/ PA and SC/ NC peeps need to start finalizing you car pooling arrangements, and Cris, Randy, etc. need to solidify their plans.
  11. Last year we cooked up a few dry aged steaks, thought we should do the same this year, but earlier in the day[​IMG]. I picked this prime NY Strip up at Costco on 4/15.[​IMG]

    Depending on what food others are bringing I will also do some smoked ribs and/or pork shoulder. If you are planning on bringing some food PM me, don't want every one bringing the same thing, unless it's beer...as Homer Simpson would say.

    But don't feel like you have to bring anything but yourselves and your knives.

    WP_20160428_11_35_56_Pro.jpg WP_20160428_11_36_03_Pro.jpg
  12. WildBoar

    WildBoar Founding Member Contributor

    I started a "Roll Call" thread on the 'other' KKF. We'll send out address info via PM/ email to those who have expressed interest in attending. If you are not on the 'other' KKF please chime in on this thread.

    Also if you think you will be around for dinner on Saturday, it would be nice to organize an outing to Green Pig Bistro for some good food and to see Charlie's memorial knife display. Zaytinya is an option as well, although it means trekking downtown which those who are already driving from out of the area may not be crazy about doing. ChefCosta has a cooking competition on that Sunday, so I'm not sure if he will be around much that Saturday night.
  13. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    I will be there (not on the other kkf) and would like to hit dinner on Saturday night. Just let me know when and where.

    I am in Bel Air, MD and have room for 3 in my car if anyone needs a ride.
  14. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    My 8 year old keeps asking to tag along. I keep telling him no, but he has been cursed with my persistence. Any other kiddos in attendance?
  15. butch

    butch Founding Member

    i ll be there but jenna has soccer game so kelly will not be with me. i am tring to talk a friend and maybe his wife into makeing the trip with me (he is getting into cured meats)
  16. WildBoar

    WildBoar Founding Member Contributor

    My 3-year-old will be underfoot, although that may not really do much for an 8-year-old.

    In general, I think it would be great if KKFers can get family and friends to come out as well.
  17. WildBoar

    WildBoar Founding Member Contributor

    Even with the loss of a couple knifemakers, this is still shaping up nicely. Including some SOs/ kids, we should have at least 30, and possibly closer to 40 people.

    The event is going to be at my house in Alexandria, rain or shine. I will reach out via PM for email addresses so I can send out an email with the address and other info.
    Please bring a folding chair or two if you can, as there will be way more bottoms then we have seats.

    As far as drinks are concerned, we'll have bottled water, some beers and sodas, etc. but if you have anything special you prefer to drink or would like to share then by all means bring it.

    And as far as food is concerned, Bill13 is preparing some dry-aged steak again this year, and there will likely be a pork shoulder. I also may make some jerk chicken. But we'll need more food then that, especially finger-type food or sides. So we are definitely soliciting for people to bring some food. We have a gas grill plus two Weber kettles if you want to grill anything, plus the stovetop and ovens are available.
  18. My 14 year old daughter will be there for a couple of hours.
  19. Dream Burls

    Dream Burls Founding Member

    A bit far for me to travel, but I hope you all have a great time and take plenty of pics to post.
  20. Giveaway! Earlier (either here or somewhere, I'm a bit sick right now) I promised I would go through my garage and find something as a fun giveaway. Sadly it's not knife related, but it is audio related which is another passion of mine. These speakers (I have the pair) are made by Bay Audio and are a very high quality 2 way speaker. The front baffle is machined aluminium with a 1 inch soft dome tweeter and 5 1/2 inch mid-range. I believe these sold for about 1,200 each at the time of their install which was around 2003. Here is a link to a newer version with fewer options. http://www.theperfectthird.com/product-p/ar60.htm

    Bay Audio makes great speakers, or did, I pulled these out of a house in 2008 and was impressed by them. However the homeowner wanted an upgrade so we went with my favorite small speaker when we replaced them:http://www.triadspeakers.com/product...6-minimonitor/ We will do a lottery and the lucky winner can take them home. I think they would also be excellent enclosed free standing speakers if you had a table-saw and some 3/4 inch MDF.

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