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Winner Chosen! 4 Piece Travel Fishing Rod up for grabs!

Discussion in 'Giveaways/Pay It Forward/Win a Knife' started by WarrenB, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. I am having a clear out of my fishing gear and found this nice travel rod that I forgot I had!

    It's a Rovex Lure Pro Quad 9', full carbon, casting weight 25-50g, 4 piece and packs down to 31" into it's hard tube, very handy for travelling or to throw in the boot/trunk of the car.


    So if anyone would find it useful then jump in and I will pick a winner at random in a week or so!
    Would be nice to hear your fishing stories and even see a pic or two, although this isn't an entry requirement.

    Open to anyone anywhere, so who's in???
  2. larrybard

    larrybard Founding Member

    No thanks; not a fisherman. But I applaud your generosity.
  3. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  4. Huw

    Huw Founding Member

    Yes please! I'm in Oz but would love a setup like that.
  5. Thanks guys!

    You have some nice fish in Oz! Keep your fingers crossed that nobody else enters:D
  6. When I was a child I'd kill for such rod. Too bad that I haven't done any finish in the past ~15 years. I commented mostly to show my respect for Warren's generosity, so please don't count it as an entry.
  7. Thanks, Anton! This could be a sign to get back into fishing:D
  8. chefcomesback

    chefcomesback Founding Member

    I would love to be in , very generous of you Warren , it has been a year since I fished , lot longer since I caught anything
  9. pleue

    pleue Founding Member

    I'm in too! Thanks!!
  10. Rick

    Rick aka Pensacola Tiger Founding Member Gold Contributor

    It's been years, but this would get me fishing again.

    I'm in, and thanks, Warren.
  11. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  12. Andre

    Andre Founding Member

    I'm in. I cut and cook fish all day long, and catch about one a year. I should rectify that.
  13. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    I love the sound of a steelhead taking me to the my backing!
    Not that that rod could handle such a monster but crappie and bluegill are some fine eating! (I'm assuming it is a lighter weight rod, have to look at the weight scales a bit).

    I need to fish more. Plain and simple. I used to go clean a couple hundred pounds of salmon a week but it does not compare to noodling a fly rod!
    (Note, caught this particular steelhead on a spinning rod and reel, was and still am working in my fly fishing..)

    If it is the same range as a three or four weight I'm out. If it is a five to seven I'm in.
  14. I would like to be in. This would be for the guy who works for me or my Dad - both avid fishers.

    My last big fishing trip was with my Dad and a group of his freinds in 1976 at Oregon Inlet SC. I would get some Father Son time and on the way back I would be dropped off at camp. The first day of deep water fishing they left on my own on the beach all day with a packed lunch (I was 13). No sunscreen, burnt the crap out of my back. Next day I got to go fishing with them, was sick as a dog until the fish started biting:D. We caught so many fish during the trip that a good bit of the trip was paid for - they sold a fair amount of the fish to several of the local restaurants - couldn't get away with that anymore I'm guessing.
    When we got to my camp, they offered the camp cooks enough fish to feed the entire camp for the first night, plus some for the cooks to take home. That's about 100 people! They made a big announcement before dinner was served and my Dad and his buddies stayed for the dinner. I was mortified at the attention:(. A few days later my cabin mates were able to peel strips of skin off my back, worst sunburn I have ever had.
  15. Not sure about the equivalent fly rod weight, but it's rated to 8-15lb line and is designed with Pike, Zander and other large predators in mind, so it would seem it has a bit of power in the blank. Hope that helps
  16. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    That would do it!
  17. eightysixCJ

    eightysixCJ Founding Member

    Very generous Warren! I'm in to leverage my offspring to wet a line!


  18. Wow, sweet! I'd like to be in :)
    Thanks Warren!
  19. Pretty awesome giveaway! I'm in!

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