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Random pictures of knife sharpening and refinishing we do

Discussion in 'Japanese Knife Imports' started by JBroida, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

    I thought i would make a thread for pictures of the kind of sharpening, restoring, refinishing, and just general repair work we are doing here on a daily basis. I usually suck at remembering to take pictures, and almost always forget the "before" pics, but i'll be my best to post what i can when i can....

    After rust and pitting removal, refnishing, and sharpening...

    After rust removal, restoration, repolishing, and sharpening...

    Mirror finishing a knife...

    Thinning and refinishing...

    Initial sharpening and polishing of a Jin...

    Polishing to bring out the hamon...


    And after...
  2. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

    i've been on a tear lately, trying to get caught up with work before i leave... here's another one i just did this afternoon.

    This was another rusted knife... it had been sitting by an open window at an apartment near the ocean for a bit and had surface rust on one side with minor pitting. We repolished the blade to an almost mirror finish and then hand polished to bring out the damascus pattern.

    Step 1

    Step 2

    Step 3
  3. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

    another refinished deba.... a big difference in the way the finish looks can be dictated by what is used to apply the the finish. For example, i can use the same uchigumori, but apply it as a finger stone, a powder applied with metal, a powder applied with wood, cork, etc., and get very different results


    Here's another one i did today... this Suisin Hayate by Kejiro Doi was a bit rusted and pitted. We cleaned up all of the rust and pitting, restored the mirror finish, and sharpened it.

  4. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

    kasumi finish on masamoto deba

  5. Beautiful work, Jon!!
    What happened to the edge of that Deba!!! Looks like someone hacked through a live power cable with it and blew a hole in the edge
  6. I was wondering the same thing. Lol. Looks like electrical damage.

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  7. Beautiful work as always Jon.

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  8. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

  9. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

    here are few more from this morning...

    before and after of custom takeshi saji gyuto (a lot of thinning, adding of distal taper, and refinishing)...



    Takeda after thinning:

    (side by side with an untouched takeda... not the same one, but i forgot to take a before pic, and the bevels of the thinned one were actually smaller than the one i pictured on the left for reference)...


    and some more pictures of the takeda after thinning (and etching for fun)...


  10. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

    after handle and saya cleanup and some sharpening to get this set up for initial use (we do this kind of work to all of the Jin knives we sell when we sell them, unless the customer requests otherwise)...



    cleaning up and sharpening of a knife (was a pretty badly scratched up and patina-ed mirror finish):

  11. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    Nice work Jon.
  12. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

    more takeda stuff (i've got about 4 more to get done this week still)

    after thinning, applying a black oxidized finish to replicate the look of KU, and etching the edge (i hadnt sharpened this one at the time the picture was taken... i took it to demonstrate the finish in a different thread).


    and a choil shot:

  13. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    Something tells me you are going to be getting alot of Takeda business....
  14. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

    its already crazy... i've got a few more i need to get done this week, along with a whole bunch of other stuff
  15. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

    refinishing a mirror finished honyaki in blue #2


    and a couple more shots to show off different things on the same knife...

    first up, the hamon:


    and second up, the mirror finish:
    (happy national donut day)
  16. JBroida

    JBroida Founding Member

    finishing up a shigefusa mukimono today (well, i have the back to do tomorrow, but almost there)...

    After a lot of hand sharpening and polishing up to an almost mirror finish (and with a mirror finish along the entire bevel), we used finger stones to polish and create contrast

    The result along the edge... the rest of the knife has not yet been polished

    After polishing the rest of the knife... we use different stones and powders than we do with the edge, so they dont all blend together and look uniform

    Another view (and semi-selfie i guess)
  17. Awesome work Jon. Almost makes we want a shig

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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