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Show of your knife storage!

Discussion in 'The Kitchen Knife' started by villewonka, May 25, 2016.

  1. Dark magnetic holder is from JKI and is bocote, I think. Smaller one is cocobolo that I made from a trashed MagBlok.

  2. I store most of my knives in various magnetic blocks/stands. As of last week, I've started to store the knives I have "out of rotation" in a kitchen drawer with some blade protection.

    Here are some pictures. The same stands are in several of the photos, but photographed at different times, carrying different knives.



  3. Anyone have problems with the knives on mag bloks becoming magnetized?
  4. Yes but I don't usually cut much metal ;)
  5. Maybe my question sounds funny, but I was thinking about the knife being around other metal objects (metal can with sharp lid, etc) and pulling the two objects closer. Feet on a cutting board can be metal, so depending on strength of attraction, a knife sitting on a board might move. Are my fears unfounded?
  6. I've had knives on mag blocks for 2-3 years, and have experienced nothing remotely magnetic with them.
  7. I haven't had any issues like that. My knives go from knife rack to cutting board, then back. Cutting board only has edibles. Also the magnetization isn't huge. They don't become Magneto.
  8. Hi!

    My new 150cm stainless magnetic knifeholder with additional lightfeature and leather stripe.
    Most stuff fits on it and finally no knifes are lying around any more.. Stones are in a big drawer below.


    More shots:

    best regards, daniel!
  9. Very Nice!! (and children safe)
  10. neelesh

    neelesh Founding Member

  11. neelesh

    neelesh Founding Member

    hinged doors, use any knife but just remember to oil before placing it back
  12. rogue108

    rogue108 Founding Member

    Neelesh, I can only describe your storage as beautiful insanity. I can't tell if it's part of a room or it's own room, but it's displayed and lit like art. It's impressive

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  13. neelesh

    neelesh Founding Member

    probably insanity, according to my wife

    thank you. That is about a third of the collection. They are on the walls outside the kitchen. The rest are on the living room walls
  14. Good lord! what I wouldn't do to get the same setup as you Neelesh
  15. I feel rather inadequate seeing some of these pics.

    My 'main' rack:


    And my lesser used racks:

  16. neelesh

    neelesh Founding Member

    that is a serious number of knives Kev
  17. Way too many for a home cook @neelesh, but a (very) pale imitation of your collection :)

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