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An Australian East Coast Get Together, Who's interested

Discussion in 'Get togethers, Tastings, Restaurant Openings, Etc' started by Alex Armstrong, May 5, 2016.

  1. Ha ha.

    I wish ;)
  2. I have twins that just turned two, and I can attest to the badness of this idea.
  3. Yeah it's a constant battle between desire and reality. Reality definitely wins.

    Still made me ROFL. Thanks, needed that :)

    I hope you guys get this show up and running. It should be a blast!
  4. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    One day to go. Who is heading to the knife show this weekend? Planning to sneak away from the two boys for a bit tomorrow morning.
  5. I'm planning to get there tomorrow morning
  6. Huw

    Huw Founding Member

    I'm heading up around lunch time on Sunday, hopefully still plenty to see.
  7. MattS

    MattS Founding Member

    Someone please take some pics.
  8. I second this
  9. V1P

    V1P Founding Member

    So jealous of you guys at the east coast. Yes, pls take pics.
  10. Huw

    Huw Founding Member

    I just saw on facebook that Mert took out the award for best new knifemaker.

    Congratulations Mate!
  11. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    Didn't have much time to walk around thoroughly, but at least got a chance to spend a few minutes here and there.

    Best new Knifemaker, Mert. Congratulations!

    Best kitchen knife, Chadd. His knives, look, feel, and cut awesome.

    James is busy selling stuffs.

    Another James (Oatley) is making some cool looking single bevel knives,

    Bruce Barnett made some really good looking knives and won awards,

    And busy Bill with some of his amazing knives,
  12. nice pics schanop
  13. Huw

    Huw Founding Member

    Nice pics Chanop, a couple of those Gyutos on Bill's table are mine :D
  14. V1P

    V1P Founding Member

    Thanks for the great pics, Chanop.

    Huw, you baller, which ones are yours?
  15. Thanks for the pics! Really wish I could be there and see everyone in person
  16. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    Have fun tomorrow, Huw. Those Bill's knives look really great.
  17. Huw

    Huw Founding Member

    Of the 4 Gyutos in the bottom right corner I think mine are the 2 on the left, I'm also picking up the 2 on the right for another member.
  18. V1P

    V1P Founding Member

    Looks like one is a sanmai, the other a damascus? Those look beautiful, even from the distance.

    Pls take better pics when you get them.
  19. Huw

    Huw Founding Member

    Yep one is san Mai the other is an integral with dragons breath damascus

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