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Something for You!

Discussion in 'CJA Edged Art / Scorpion Forge' started by CrisAnderson27, Oct 8, 2016.

  1. Well hello there strangers!!

    First, I want to apologize for my long absence. I've had a number of projects to catch up on (still a few more to go), as well as a number of other things going on that have required my undivided attention...but things are finally at a point where I can turn my attention fully back to the forum :).

    So now that I'm caught up on...well, life lol...I wanted to take a minute to say thank you to all of you! Because of you all (this forum in particular to be honest...my gratitude to you all is beyond words), I am able to do this thing I love full time. I've been thinking of a way to go about saying thank you that goes beyond the words, and decided to have my first ever 'sale'. I currently have a batch of 13 AEB-L knives, most of them XH gyuto and ko-gyuto. These knives will be discounted $100 off of their regular price. That means $350 paring knives (well below my minimum), $450 petty knives, $650 XH ko-gyuto, $700 200mm XH gyuto, and $800 250mm XH gyuto. These prices include my flared dual taper handle from my in stock standard wood inventory, with G10 spacers and your choice of nickel silver, copper, or brass liners. Handle options are available (as far as materials).

    So thank you again to all of you, and check the video to see what knives are available!

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2016
  2. WildBoar

    WildBoar Founding Member Contributor

    That's great, Cris, and it's great to see you back!

    ...any chance of additional mark-downs on the $8k 250mm XH gyutos? :D
  3. Sorry my friend, those are in short supply! $8k is as low as I can go ;).

    Seriously though, if one of you mods could change that to $800, that'd be great lol.
  4. O man I guess I can use 3 or 4 more knives.
  5. Who couldn't!! :D
  6. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    I'm looking forward to mine.
  7. I'm looking forward to you getting it too my friend :). It's in LA at the ICS as we speak!
  8. Good to see you here again Cris and looking forward to my knife.
  9. Yes sir Mark! Yours and two for Son are the first going out this week!
  10. Nice to see some progress Cris! Your vendor section felt a bit lonely lately.
    I'd probably snatch another knife from you, had I $8k spare
  11. Thanks Anton! I know $8k is steep...but with the economy what it is and all...


    I've also been meaning to make a post to thank you for the BEAUTIFUL handle materials you sent me completely by surprise! That redwood burl in particular is simply stunning. I'll have to get some pictures this afternoon and share them with everyone :).
  12. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Good to see you back, my friend!!! :pop
  13. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  14. Thanks Jason! It sold yesterday though...so we're all good :).

    Also sold is one of the 190 XH ko-gyuto. The rest of the knives are currently still available.
  15. marc4pt0

    marc4pt0 Founding Member

    So whats left available here, Cris?
  16. Heya Marc!

    I'm not in the shop, but I believe there are three paring knives, one 160 petty, and four +/- 200mm XH gyuto.
  17. Cris,

    Are there any stock AEB-L knives left? I may be interested in a XH gyuto if you have one available.
  18. I'll need to check the stock, I think there is one 200-210 left available, but I won't know for sure until I get back down to the shop.
  19. Congratulations to @IUPWEBB by the way! I sent him the black G10 handled knife as a demo, and he never sent it home! Thank you my friend!

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