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Knife Porn!

Discussion in 'HHH Custom Knives' started by HHH Knives, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Jeffery Hunter

    Jeffery Hunter Founding Member

    dam you for making me drool all over my keyboard
  2. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Some Dubuya pattern damascus and rosewood burl. MTN by HHH :D

    MTN damascus cross 050 (800x533).jpg MTN damascus cross 040 (800x533).jpg MTN damascus cross 031 (800x533).jpg MTN damascus cross 030 (800x533).jpg MTN damascus cross 029 (800x533).jpg
  3. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    :cool::lineYou ain't lying, Mike, a whole LOT OF SEXY!!! Don't get to comforatable with the "Expresso" knife, Son!
  4. Tarok

    Tarok Founding Member

    Amazing work sir. A joy to scroll through! Thank you for sharing.
  5. cclin

    cclin Founding Member

    Randy, beautiful as always!! 3 pieces Musk Ox horn set is out of this world.
  6. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Thanks for checking the out the thread and for the kind comments.. Some days it helps to motivate me, waking up and seeing some encouraging comments.

  7. Spaz

    Spaz Founding Member

    Randy that is a badass little knife! I love it!
  8. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Thanks much. Im gona be doing a short run of these. and offering them VERY SOON. so anyone interested stay tuned. There not gona last long.
  9. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

  10. Jeffery Hunter

    Jeffery Hunter Founding Member

    Always beautiful work sir but I about fell over when I saw that san-mai nakiri!!!
  11. apathetic

    apathetic Founding Member

  12. Haggises

    Haggises Founding Member

    The pattern on the nakiri is very eye popping.....but the feather petty is just drop-dead gorgeous.
  13. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    The feather on the green petty is Stainless from Devin. Some great looking steel!

    Thanks and God Bless!
  14. mr drinky

    mr drinky Founding Member Gold Contributor

    I love that knife with the yellow handle Randy. Nice work. :)

    Btw, I see my wootz slicer in this thread. It's packed in a nondescript box somewhere as I write.

  15. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Hey guys. Its time for more PORN!!! Knife Porn that is!

    K. Yep that slicer is the envy of many. I really love the way it turned out and happy your digging it and its serving you well! Good luck with the move. I got one coming up real soon myself. Excited yet not looking forward to moving!

    The yellow handle knife is Cedar Burl with mammoth tooth spacer and African black wood ferrule (spelling)

    This is some "select" Koa from Mark paired with a AEB-L 240mm blade.

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
  16. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    SICK, SICK, SICK...... Gorgeous, DUDE, you're killing me with these nakiri's & Wa handles! OMG!
  17. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Hey Chef.. Thanks again brother. Im LOVIN the nakiris myself and that last one was ground SUPER nice. possibly the best ground I have done so far!
  18. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    You are trouble... for my credit card 8D

    Will dice onions for knives.
  19. HHH Knives

    HHH Knives Founding Member

    Meteorite damascus "Out of the world" Gyuto. [​IMG]

    Dream weaver Gyuto with mammoth tooth handle [​IMG]

    30mm Suji with Mammoth ivory handles and custom presentation box.
  20. gavination

    gavination Founding Member

    Geez Randy!! That is some mind-blowingly awesome work there! You're putting out some ridiculous damascus. Can you just wrap me in meteorite damascus?

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