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4 Martell Wa Petties For Sale

Discussion in 'JapaneseKnifeSharpening / Dave Martell Knives' started by Dave Martell, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    I have available 4 Martell wa petties for sale, 2 of them are complete, the other 2 are 50%. [​IMG]


    Model - Petty

    Blade Length - 160mm

    Steel - CPM-154 (powdered stainless steel)

    Hardness - Rc 61-62 (with cryo)

    Height (at heel) - 32-33mm

    Handle - Wa (see each knife for specifics)

    #1 - Dyed (light blue) bird's eye maple with African blackwood ferrule
    Shape - round top & bottom w/flat sides
    This bird's eye maple is from Herr Keller's stash. It's really nice, very iridescent, lots of eyes, with chatoyance.

    Dimensions - 15/19mm x 18/23mm

    #2 - English sycamore with African blackwood ferrule
    Shape - Octagonal (very straight, sort of a boxey style)
    The sycamore has a lot of movement in the figuring, simple, very classy looking.

    Dimensions - 15/20mm x 17/21mm

    #3 - Dyed (brown) maple burl with African blackwood ferrule
    Shape - Octagonal (tapered - yet slightly boxey)
    The maple has a lot burl character, I think it's a nice example.

    Dimensions - 15/18mm x 17/22mm

    #4 - Dyed (green) buckeye burl with African blackwood ferrule
    Shape - Octagonal (tapered - very traditional look/feel)
    I almost NEVER use buckeye burl anymore because it sucks for use on western handles but I thought I'd give it a go (I had this block sitting here for years) and see if I was correct in that softer woods can work OK with the octagonals and it turned out it does.
    The buckeye is a nice green that's neither gaudy or loud yet it's bold enough to be different. [​IMG]

    Dimensions - 16/19mm x 20/23mm

    So why all the different shapes?

    Well, these knives didn't start out as knives, they were handle experiments that would become knives if all went well. I wanted to try some different working techniques and finish shapes so I glued up them up and had success (in all but one - 1 out of 5 isn't a bad loss when learning). I decided to leave them as I did them and offer something a little different. What do you think?

    On the two handles without blades...obviously the brown maple burl and green buckeye burl have no blades currently, however, the blades have been profiled and are ready to grind. If all goes as planned, and sometimes it does, I'll have these both ready for delivery by the beginning of next week (at the latest). I will sell them now if anyone is interested in claiming them. [​IMG]

    On the pictures....please excuse the very poor quality. It's overcast today and this is the best I can get for now. I can assure you that all knives/handles shown appear much nicer in person. The handles in particular look so much better than shown here.

    Price - $325 (each)
    *Note - I will not drop the pricing on these knives. I have already discounted them by $50 OFF

    Shipping - Included in USA/International - will split cost with buyer

    Please contact through PM or email if interested in purchasing. [​IMG]


    P1010010.JPG P1010013.JPG P1010003.JPG P1010029.JPG P1010024.JPG P1010025.JPG P1010008.JPG
  2. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    SOLD - #1 - Dyed (light blue) bird's eye maple with African blackwood ferrule
  3. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    SOLD - #4 - Dyed (green) buckeye burl with African blackwood ferrule
  4. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    #2 - English sycamore with African blackwood ferrule

    #3 - Dyed (brown) maple burl with African blackwood ferrule

    Still available!
  5. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

  6. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    #2 - English sycamore with African blackwood ferrule
    Shape - Octagonal (very straight, sort of a boxey style)
    The sycamore has a lot of movement in the figuring, simple, very classy looking.

    Dimensions - 15/20mm x 17/21mm


    I suppose that this handle is a little too unconventional in it's shape? Maybe you could like it better if it had a better price attached? Shoot me a PM and make me an offer. [​IMG]
  7. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

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