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For Sale - Martell Custom Wa Set

Discussion in 'JapaneseKnifeSharpening / Dave Martell Knives' started by Dave Martell, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    This block of redwood has been with me for a really l-o-n-g time. I bought it from Mark at BurlSource many years ago and from there it got put on hold for customer (that took me years to get to) and by then his interests had changed. I was OK with him changing his mind anyway but a bonus came because I don't care to use this type of wood on western handles anyway. But now that I'm doing wa handles I thought this would make a good time to use up this beautiful wood as it's well suited for this style handle. The only thing is that the block was kind of over sized which meant that if I wasn't careful and plan for using the leftover I might cut it too small and only get one handle from it sooooo....I decided to make a matching set. [​IMG]

    The wood is some pretty rare stuff, at least in my opinion anyway. It's "flamed old growth redwood" that's been stabilized. The flame bands you see move about 3/8" in both directions - it's incredible! I paired the wood up with simple black buffalo horn as to not take away from the wood in anyway. The buffalo horn does have some white streaking on the top side of both handles.

    This set is a matched pair in every way I could make it. As mentioned before the redwood came from the same block but you should also know that the buffalo horn came from the same roll and the steel from the same sheet. The shaping of both the handles and blades were done to match each other side by side throughout the entire process. Having these two matching knives in your collection will make a statement. [​IMG]

    I prefer to sell these knives as I made them - together as a set - so I've priced them with this in mind. If after a few days time the set hasn't sold I will sell them individually for their normal pricing. If you are interested in purchasing only one of these knives you might want to shot me a message and I'll put your name down and contact you should the set be broken up. First come - first served.[​IMG]


    Models - Gyuto & Petty

    Blade Lengths - Gyuto @ 240mm / Petty @ 160mm

    Steel - CPM-154 (powdered stainless steel)

    Hardness - Rc 61-62 (with cryo)

    Height (at heels) - Gyuto @ 54mm / Petty @ 33mm

    Handle - Wa (octagonal)

    Handle Materials - Flamed Old Growth Redwood & Buffalo Horn

    (Gyuto @ $625 + Petty @ $375 = $1000 priced individually)

    Price (for the set) - $900

    Shipping - Included in USA only / International - will split cost with buyer

    Please contact through PM or email if interested in purchasing.


    P1010001.JPG P1010005.JPG P1010006.JPG P1010010.JPG P1010013.JPG P1010015.JPG P1010018.JPG P1010020.JPG P1010024.JPG P1010004.JPG
  2. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Good thing my keyboard is wireless..

    I am on the floor!
    Holy mackerel they are gorgeous.
  3. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Hahahahahaha :D

    Thanks Jim
  4. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

  5. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Let's go ahead and open this sale up to either knife selling individually but the set will still be available while it's here.

    Gyuto @ $625


    Petty @ $375


    Price (for the set) - $900


    Shipping - Included in USA only / International - will split cost with buyer

    Please contact through PM or email if interested in purchasing.

  6. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    If anyone is interested in this set please feel free to shoot me a PM and we can talk.....maybe.... even make a deal. [​IMG]
  7. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member


    [​IMG] Price Drop!!!!!!!!!! [​IMG]

    Gyuto @

    Petty @

    Set @ $850

    Shipping - Included in USA only / International - will split cost with buyer
  8. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

  9. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    I'm going to temp you folks one last time. [​IMG]

    [​IMG] Another Price Drop!!!!!!!!!! [​IMG]

    Set @ $800
  10. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

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